Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

The rise of fantasy football began my souring on the sport. So many of my friends were sitting at the bar with me rooting for players on teams I knew they hated. It just didn’t make sense to me. And to be involved in fantasy sports you had to be “all in” all the time. It’s supposed to be a past time not a job. Bleah.

Removing something from your own work that you feel do not stand by is, just saying, not fucking censorship. It’s called editing! Ya know, that shit that you do in order to create a good work?

Pure Gold

His reply is the maddening kind of false equivalency non-logic that’s so prevalent these days. Just as some seem to believe that “veterans fought for your freedom SO YOU SHUT YER MOUTH, COMMIE!” the idea that only steel workers, cops and teachers are allowed to be tired is absurd. His tweet is total blue-collar

I have been politely informed of this a couple times, ya. In my defense this is a flawless impersonation of very real hawt takes. You could have plucked this verbatim from your boomer uncle’s Facebook page

On Hollywood sets, this is known as “Kraft Services.”

“The amount of money wasted by American school districts on football, far above and beyond any other sport, is just staggering.”

It’s all good. I used to be approved and can still usually get out of the greys. And I can shamelessly promote my own stuff without fear of retribution because hell, what are they going to do? Put me in the Super Greys?


And, for colleges at least, that even extends to people who have no direct affiliation with the school, which baffles me. There were so many people growing up who considered loving Penn State football a personality trait - yelling “WE ARE” at every opportunity and whatnot - and who acted like St. JoePa’s successes

You forgot to add “, have other people’s tax dollars poured into,” after that last “play.”

What’s more is that Irsay is only rich because of his dad. Imagine Luck inheriting Mannings Colts stats and then saying “Hey I’m setting records here!” Generational wealth to that degree is a plague

Andrew Luck’s retirement will only increase the primal urgency of Football Men to find True Football Believers to play football, so that they don’t ever question their faith in it.

What might not suck: They opened a sensory room at Lincoln for for fans with autism and other sensory issues who need to take a break without having to exit the stadium. I know we are supposed to be dragging them but Swoop has headphones on and that’s fucking adorable.

So, against my better instincts, I watched the video.

People are so fucking dumb. Speaking to awkward looking young men, as a former awkward looking young man, none of this shit is complicated.

You think relationships are difficult? Try friendships. Try courting someone in order to convince them to join you in some nameless, shapeless Platonic complication — forever. Convince an adult stranger that you are worth a healthy slice of their limited time and energy without the prize of sex or romance.”

Real quick reminder that if you label yourself as an “incel”, the reason you can’t get laid is because you’re an intolerable bore, a wastrel, a creepy gremlin, and a backasswards dullard who couldn’t reason his way out of an open doorway, or into functional society - which is far, far easier.

Lol agreed. Nuance is something they don’t want to look at. Cause Nuance is fucking hard, man. Its so much easier to see the world without those shades of grey in it.

If calling a bully and a coward a bully and a coward is enough to be denied entry to heaven, God can fuck her/his self!