Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

Right. Which brings us to the important point: we don’t need Uber or Lyft, and if they’re devastated by this outcome, someone else will just step in and fill the spot without the dishonest practice of dumping billions of investorbucks into the process to operate at a loss and drive everyone else out of business until

Actually, no it doesn’t.  Adam Smith most definitely did not champion the free market as neoliberals suggest.  He was most assuredly of quite the opposite opinion.

That’s the key. Many times, when a company says the have “disruptive” technology, what they really mean is that they figured out how to get around a law.

The execrable Ayn Rand is largely responsible for the hordes of grown men acting like two year olds in mid-meltdown that are destroying our society.

It seems like most of the big names in tech disruption just developed something that should be a universal, publicly available protocol, and then either exploited workers or abandoned privacy protections to cash in. Twitter’s just text messages with a few bells and whistles. Facebook’s just email with a few bells and

The world was better before smartphones. Most people acknowledge that these days. Likewise, the world was better before Uber and Lyft.

Just secede. Really. Just fucking do it. All of you. Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia yeah fuck it take Ohio too. For real. You add nothing to this fucking country but take from it constantly. The part about this that is truly disgusting is that white women will still vote for these fucks anyway. For those that doubt

National Parents Organization

AKA: Wednesday

Terrible person gloms to another terrible person so her terrible-person-in-training can get ahead of the non-terrible people?

1) fuck these hypocrites 2) all the kids I grew up with who had “tiger moms” have a slew of mental health struggles as adults from their parents being so intense. A lot of tiger moms don’t actually care about how their kids are doing, they only care about how their kids reflect on them.

See without The Fox News filter his stupidity and lack of knowledge is even worse than usual. Again this man should not be allowed to operate a TV remote much less the United States. Thanks white women.

This is horrifying. The mother is also a victim here. The infant won't remember this, but she will have to cope with those memories for the rest of her life. Prosecuting her is beyond wrong. So is blasting her name everywhere. I can't even begin to imagine how awful she feels.

Why in the hell is the other victim of sexual assault being named and shamed? He coerced her, does everyone think she should have just refused, been killed, had her infant taken possibly sold to suffer even more at the hands of this monster or could they maybe think she cooperated to have a chance in hell of getting

Why the hell was this woman charged and why are her name and picture in the media? She is the alleged victim of a sexual assault.


Yeah, workplace tyrant, tax dodger, smug billionaire, and guy who took credit for other people’s innovations Steve Jobs doesn’t deserve to have his name sullied like that. Good thinking as always.

LOL at Jobs being one of the good ones.

Nah. Nixon, for all his faults, was actually quite intelligent and was actually interested in public service. Not saying what he did was great, but he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and paid for it. If Nixon had done what he did today, in our fractured hellscape of a US democracy nobody would have batted an

Even with the servile dermatologists and thrice-divorced yacht ghouls and buttery finance lordlings that crowd his social orbit and pay to belong to Trump’s clubs, there are still some latent traces of dirt under their fingernails—these people have to work to make the money to pay those dues, even if that work