Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

A Texas teacher who tried to report undocumented students in her school district to Donald Trump through a series of public tweets — that she thought were private messages to the president — has been fired.

I come from a long line of insomniacs and used to regularly run on 3 or 4 hours of sleep, damn it is a different, more thorough level of exhaustion with kids. I’m sure some is getting older as well, but my mother is awake at 2 and up to watch Morning Joe, and when I asked if it really is as simple as kids are

It’s funny, because at first the dads in my “group” seemed more progressive about parenting, but so often seem to be horrified at the idea of the same things their dads would have been. Like my wife does most of the cleaning because due to an old back injury i am limited, but I’m off at 5 or 6 and she works until 7,

Lol...right, the kids deserved verbal abuse for doing kid things. Do women who get raped deserve it for what they were wearing? Go away. 

Yeah that’s what my wife says. I just don’t have a ton of patience for my friends’ kids, but those you can dump back off with their parents. Your comment just really hit all my concerns, I’m an independent contractor, I make almost twice as much as my wife and work long hours to do it. Then there’s all the “man”

Men these days, I think, are fighting over how to be a dad. On the one hand, being an absentee dad is a bad thing, and they know they have to step up because no one wants to be Ray Barone. On the other hand, being involved on the same level as women have is hard work and cuts into individual goals, time, and adult

I don’t see myself in the short list of dad’s offered in the article, but this:

My parents were always together, but my dad was largely absent when I was a kid. I mean, he was home, but he was always working, reading something or otherwise occupied. I used to be pretty angry about it, but as I got older I learned that he was just a dude that was crazy stressed about money and providing for his

People are more similar to herds and pack animals than you think.

This woman is clearly very economically anxious.  

Not that it makes it ok, but I can kinda understand when teams cut breaks to good players because they want to win, but bitch-ass Richie here is gonna be the oldest guard in the NFL, plus he has liver and kidney issues, not to mention his obvious mental health problems. I know the Raiders don’t actually care about

Those would be the guys.

No! Stop it! Black people built this country with the sweat of our brow, the breaking of our backs and the blood from our veins! We ARE AMERICANS who have fought and been maimed and died in every single war to defend this country without recompense BUT we have all the rights anyone else has and we will exercise them!

Far too many police officers think that hostility and yelling are the equal of command presence.

There’s a cause that isn’t being addressed beyond general human bias.

“Shoot first” behavior and eventual suicide is typical in veterans with unresolved PTSD. Generally these people see their peers die in gruesome ways or commit heinous acts themselves that they feel they can’t atone for.

Law enforcement suicides

I second this thought! You sound like a stinky loser, dude! Also his comment about wanting a small place with a kitchen & an internet connection so he could get constant surgery?? That’s not normal, dude!! If anything you need less internet!!

There needs to be an independent oversight committee that can charge these things whom has no dog in the fight. Non partisan, just policing right and wrong. Not hard people. 

Oh I know it’s just a copypasta meme from twitter.

What about the 70,000 people who already live in Camden? Maybe some of the economic development funds should benefit them, instead of companies that employ a bunch of people who live in the suburbs and are only moving 10 miles down the road.

This shot is brilliant and should be shown in any film study class