Dread it, run from it, unemployment arrives all the same.
Dread it, run from it, unemployment arrives all the same.
In a just world this merger wouldn’t have been allowed. Anti trust laws ain’t what they used to be.
“I am inevitable.” - Disney.
“Hands on your heads, scum! A-hyuck!”
Rightist assholes use “they did it too”, not as a way to make the world a better place, but as a way to excuse their shitty behavior.
So your point is that what Obama did was bad, but this is ok, because “our turn”? Or is your point that what Obama did was good and this is good too? And I guess I ask the same questions about the collusion questions your bring up.
So, I missed this, but you are saying she is the ultimate self-hating jew?
Fourteen-year-old boys think everything is a harmless joke. Remarkably, they are often wrong.
Honestly, I love this response.
Context is everything in social actions and interactions. Knowledge of audience, situation, and location are key to understanding how a given gesture, statement, or behavior is likely to be received.
If you act in full knowledge of the likely (negative) interpretations of your actions and…
I’m a vet and I think this is fucking vile. Like everything Trump does. And he’s absolutely endorsing white supremacist violence.
It’s past time that we start branding so called “Fundamentalists” as what they are, heretics. Their beliefs have nothing to do with Christ.
Show of hands for people who would voluntarily turn down $50k a day "on principle." I'll never understand that.
Fucking hell. Where are all these intellectual badasses coming from? Woe is me.
EDIT: WHAT THE FUCK?! That is the dumbest goddamn attempt at an insult I have seen in at least a decade. It lacks any semblance of actual threat and the logic thread doesn’t even exist. Why is it in my ass? Why can’t it be nuked AND in my…
Or mutated from all of the meth in the water supply.
This is Florida, so at first I thought it would turn to be an actual rabbit.
hands down the best international affairs comment, EV-AR!
A-fucking-men brother. How many countless lives have we as a country taken on others’ soil in the name of Freedom®...
“Petyr Baelish School of American Foreign Policy” may be the best thing I’ve read all week.