I agree. It’s stupid, sort of coerced patriotism. Also, it seems a little too jingoistic for my liking. Plus, as many others have noted, the National Anthem and God Bless America are shitty songs, anyway.
I agree. It’s stupid, sort of coerced patriotism. Also, it seems a little too jingoistic for my liking. Plus, as many others have noted, the National Anthem and God Bless America are shitty songs, anyway.
counterpoint: all songs espousing any pro-american patriotism are garbage and cancerous
“America the Beautiful” is about a thousand times better than “God Bless America”.
It is time we stop singing any patriotic songs at sports games. No other country sings their national anthem before every single (non-international) sporting event no matter how inconsequential. God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch just plain sucks.
I highly appreciate and concur with your exemption for Mr. Dwayne Carter.
But... but... that would acknowledge where the problem actually begins! And might force a conversation about maybe, just maybe, this whole “toxic cisheteronormative patriarchy” might hold some water after all!
Can we just abort God?
Look at the robotic fake smile on whatever blond woman was paid to be on his arm. So bizarre.
I hope they find his killer, because murderers need to be brought to justice. What I remember most recently from him, though, was this weird and problematic incident which our own Monica covered brilliantly, here, just a bit over a year ago:
I was a cop in the military and the one thing I seem to see a lot in these videos (and on shows like LivePD—which I don’t choose to watch, I just get stuck in a room where someone is watching it) is that they’re all yelling at the subject. Which just confuses the person (and is probably why some of them do things that…
IMHO, I think people who are drawn to owning guns are motivated by fear more than the average person. Not that they have more reason to fear, but that they are just more sensitive to it. They have a heightened Fight/Flight response. Unusual events seem more threatening to them, they react more emotionally, more violent…
As a response to the dumb ass trolls, I’ve seen video of White people, fully awake, who have shot and killed civilians and/or police who have been taken into police custody without a scratch on them.
Also, having everyone shoot just put the officers and bystanders in additional danger. If I were back in the Army and in charge on the scene, I would get my highest ranking, most mature person to get on the hood to provide fire only on my orders or if he believes that there is an imminent threat. I believe the Vallejo…
Thanks for the whataboutism. Be sure to pick up your parting gift at reception on your way out.
You’re right.
So like... the answer here is: be fucking patient. Let him wake up on his own. Give him space to decide if he’s going to be an actual threat or not.
I mean... I’m a fucking know-nothing person who was in the Army once, so maybe I’m not as smart as these vaunted officers of the law, but if the dude has a gun on his lap and you’re so damn concerned about him maybe reaching for it, maybe you should back the hell up and give him space? Like sure: block his car in and…
Meh....I was partying with a whole bunch of people of interesting varieties including one hell of a cute dominatrix. We had rented a nice apartment that overlooked the quarter and were throwing beads and putting on shows, inviting up people. There was sin...a lot of alcohol...and a bunch of non leveled headed college…
The bills would require hotel staff to be trained in identifying signs of trafficking