Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

They would *not*, as pulse-rifles only appeared in the sequel (but “Ripley Get Your Pulse Rifle” scans for “Aliens” musical).

That was the understudy. Our original Crackers had to drop out after an unfortunate mishap. It might seem like an unnecessary cost but, and I can’t stress this enough, just pay the extra money for a trained chicken. 

“Ripley Get Your Gun”, obvs


Not to be outdone. I will be directing an adaptation of Videodrome for my local preschool this Fall. I just hope it’s as successful as last year’s production of John Waters’ Pink Flamingos.

Tonight I’m taking my daughter to see The Wizard of Oz at our local high school...It will not be this. 

I was lucky enough to go to see this last night. It was very very impressive! Here is the playbill.

Public schools rock. Way to go!

Now playing

Looks like a lot of fun. Reminds me of the elementary school production of Scarface ; )

I was called for jury duty recently. When I answered the question if I knew anybody in law enforcement, I pointed out that my former father-in-law was a volunteer sheriff and my girlfriend’s ex-husband was a police officer. Everyone presumably thought that was a positive association. I literally had to explain that

Of course the officer failed to mention that the weed he smelled was from his drop stash. 

Citation needed

The core problem to me is that Merlan doesn’t like this “grifter”, doesn’t feel she’s earned her status and wrote a massively long hit piece about a drunken email.
It’s jealous gossip wrapped up as, what, truth-seeking?

I’m trying to see what she did that’s so horrible, beyond calling someone at work fat and some shitty tweets she’s apologised for.

Everyone fails a purity test at some point.
Constantly purging everyone for some evermore exacting standard of ideological purity seems self-defeating and a waste of energy, badly needed

Did you just write a 4,500 word story about how a young woman who has become a figurehead for the resistance for other young women once wrote some bitchy anonymous emails when she was 23?

She did dumb shit when she was 21 (or 20?!) and has perhaps...grown in the time since? And I know you acknowledge that but it’s a throwaway line in what sort of feels like a needless hitpiece? This isn’t Tucker Carlson being a racist misogynistic manbaby at 40 or whatever.

What’s that you are saying about Donald Trump?

If you are playing something called Offroad Wood Transport Truck Driver 2018, you have issues that go beyond malware.

First thing Occupy Wall Street should have done in Zuccotti Park.  But we were so song and dumb, then.