Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

a consumer’s ‘rights’ or ‘entitlements’ are idealizations—a wiser course of action is to just deal with objective reality. read the user reviews before buying.

Lol. By not buying the game day 1 and waiting till it goes on sale a year later, after they’ve patched the game to what it should have been, you are in fact telling the company that its not okay to release an unfinished product and charge AAA price for it.

Not even close to what he said. He said that if you buy a game and realize it’s not engaging or fun or rewarding, that you shouldn’t force yourself to keep going at the expense of your happiness and enjoyment. That’s a very different thing to saying that you should pay for a game and then wait for it to be finished. I


deadspin sucks

Yeah, I think I just realized that about myself, too.

There’s an old legal saw that if the facts are on your side, but the law is not, you emphasize the facts. And if the law is on your side, but the facts are not, you emphasize the law.

Let’s not get too far into the individual stupidity that Fox has produced and remember that this is all Rupert Murdoch’s fault.  Rupert Murdoch is the bone cancer eating away at western democracies since the 80s. He is the screaming void of the transnational super wealthy; he is the stuttering ID of the thatcherite

Agreed about the last email needing to be the first.

I think the ghost of Lyndon Johnson and the two Civil Rights Acts he rammed through Congress would like to have a word...

Christian Bale IS Robert Kraft in MALE13, in theaters hopefully never

In Soviet Russia, Wang touches you

So Robert Kraft went to a seedy massage parlor in a Florida strip mall at 11 a.m. that Sunday, then presumably got on his private plane and flew to Kansas City, where he watched the NFL team he owns punch a ticket to the Super Bowl. Rich people are so fucking bizarre.

It’s the perfect crime. 

He was wearing a New York Giants cap and signed in under the name “John Mara.”

To you pedants correctly pointing out my misuse of the word extramarital, you’re absolutely right. Also, as a Bills fan in Boston for the last 20 years, just shut the fuck up and let me have this.

Our Puritan roots are more like vile weeds.

Criminals at this level are fucking idiots.  If they were smart, they’d be bank executives.

I don’t know, I think I’m fine with the process, here. I don’t like the idea of employers digging through their potential hiree’s private lives (though I know it’s done).