Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

Bingo - her taxes ain’t shit. Those guys prob pay more taxes in a paycheck than her ass pays in a year. She’s over there talking about them like it’s a fucking Boys and Girls Club and their kids In an after school program. YOU DUMB DUMBFUCK, THE PLAYERS DIDNT ASK FOR THE GODDAMN PUBLIC FUNDS, SOME DUMB RICH FUCK YOU

Didn’t realize the Seahawks moved their training facility to Long Island.

12th man hates 13th amendment.


Oh, an 18-year old from Texas? I’m sure he knows a lot about history, the country, and the world.

I would say about Tim Lee that “I haven’t seen a man leave such a burning wake in his trail through Atlanta since Sherman,” but most of Cobb County doesn’t have access to the books to explain the joke.

a. What adult calls himself a “fanboy?”

No, I am not in favor of students expressing themselves at all costs. Even if a teacher is straight up wrong, like saying, “New York City is the capital of the US.” I would not be in favor of a student saying, “You’re wrong BITCH!!!” That would be an example of a student expressing himself/herself at all costs. King’s

As I Giants fan I see this as a Sophie’s choice between Mountain Dew and crab juice.  

Conservatives are usually marked by their need to have a leader, to have rules, to have someone else - God, a (Conservative) president, cops, , pastors, drill sergeants - tell them what to do, what to think, how to act, and what constitutes right from wrong. As such, they are more susceptible to con-men and grifters. 

Why isn’t the conversation that men need to learn not to take advantage of people’s obvious discomfort


She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

Through brilliance, fantastic deals, determination and super intelligence, Trump has managed to make less money in real estate than if he’d invested his inheritance in an indexed S&P fund so don’t tell me he doesn’t know the meaning of work!

Oh...We have the technology.

If he wanted to kill black people, why didn’t he just become a cop?

Ugh. Ban TVs in waiting rooms. Bring back magazine time.

THANK YOU. Many years ago, I lived in Johannesburg, South Africa, which had at the time (and continues to maintain) a fearsome reputation for violent crime which put it in a league with places like Kabul or Bogota. I rented a cottage in Parktown, a leafy near-north suburb, which was on the estate of an Afrkaaner

Imagine the unmitigated balls it takes to be say..the Koch bros. To be worth upward of $30 billion dollars. More money than you, your heirs, their heirs could spend or dispose of if they just burned literal paper currency for fun..