Old woman chiming in.
Old woman chiming in.
Everyone has their own set of problems. Yours sounds like a lack of empathy?
Wow man. Are people without kids so unaware of what that actually entails?
Then you really have nothing to add here.
If you don’t have kids you have 10% of his adult qualms.
Same. What a world we live in when I shed tears of joy in Philadelphia for an Alabama Senate election result.
It was never about the social issues for the GOP. They have always been the party of big business. Back after the Civil War big business wanted a strong government to set up laws and courts in the west to facilitate growth and make it easier to do business. Then they need the government to set up a banking system.…
This IS the conservative party as it’s always been, just with the thin veneer of respectability stripped away. There is nothing unusual about this incarnation of conservatism. At all. It’s always been racist, classist, queerphobic, and religious in all the wrong ways.
It’s so cool how the New York Times bends over backwards to give a platform and voice to people who want me dead because of the color of my skin.
I wouldn’t focus on fixing Rusty. I would focus on creating a more just society that provides education and social support for everyone + doesn’t create the condition of a war on drugs that makes communities such as his so vulnerable to militarized cartel violence. That would result in fewer Rustys. There will always…
My father is like this as well. More guns in the house than people to use them, and ironically, the guns are the most valuable thing in the house. Get rid of the guns and there’d be no incentive to break into his house. I don’t feel empathy for my father, though I hope I’ll get there someday. I have empathy for Rusty.…
It creates a truly authentic NFL experience when the fans can get CTE as well.
The great irony is: there’s a whole web of relationships and circumstantial evidence that paint a pretty convincing picture that the President of the United States colluded with a foreign power to steal an election. Come on conspiracy nuts! This is the moment you’ve trained for your whole life!
The first civil suit of this nature already went all the way to the Supreme Court. We already know that to perform an intrusive search, even in a school setting, school officials (who can authorize law enforcement to carry out the search) need a reasonable suspicion that justifies that specific search - not just a…
There is, sadly, a fine line. Police can engage in intrusive searches, but only with probable cause (“pat downs” aren’t considered intrusive, even when they involve people basically groping you over your clothes). Schools can search for drugs based on “reasonable suspicion”, and while that is generally supposed to…
It would be nice to think that school officials would be all for protecting and upholding the students’ constitutional rights. Second Amendment Man gets a lot of press. Where the fuck is Fourth Amendment Man when we need him most?
The Daily Caller Removes Blatantly Anti-Semetic Video Mocking NYT’s Glenn Thrush
Because for some reason we differentiate between dangerous religious views of “mainstream” groups and cults like there’s any meaningful distinction. If what a person believes removes personal responsibility from their actions, it’s probably a shitty belief system all around. Whether it’s in deference to a charismatic…
Don’t blame it all on Scott. Some of the blame lies on fellow commenter, Riaslyektly, for being too tired after Yoga to vote.