Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

Yeah, Andromeda was not nearly as bad as people made it out to be. It was stunningly beautiful and the combat was amazing. Fucking gamers and their psychotic delusional self-entitlement. I’m entirely sick of their insane fucking tantrums.

I blame the mismanagement, but I also blame the gamers.

I honestly hope she doesn’t go to jail for this, for the sake of her children. Yes, this was ridiculously stupid, but she was hounded into it by her now-deceased boyfriend, and there was no indication she would have done something like this otherwise. And after this has happened, I don’t think she poses a risk to

It’s like that in parts of philly. Rittenhouse and old city have always been expensive af. Now we have 22 year olds paying $1000 a month to live in northern liberties (which they’re trying to call “NoLibs” *eyeroll*) in brand new townhouses next to 200 year old places with Romanian Orthodox families and black families

Can confirm. I’m about to get priced out of the philly neighborhood I’ve lived in for 6 years next to the one I live in for 18 years before that which I also can’t afford.

I work for a real estate management firm in’s absolutely amazing how every white girl under 40, it seems, is subsidized by their parents.

And yet these not-really-adults manage to help push out actual adults by running up the rents.

People playing at being poor makes me crazy. It’s why I detest On The Road so much. If I wanted to listen to a bunch of middle-class white dudes wax poetic about issues that don’t effect them I would join the Republican party.

Strawberry is the neighborhood hoe.

Husky, you damn right. This is some BULLSHIT. Yanez went straight to DEFCON 1 the second Castile told him he was carrying. If Castile wanted to cap somebody, he for sure wouldn’t have told the cop he was packing. Instead, Yanez just started pulling the trigger in a blind panic.

Is there even any point to releasing this now? That asshole is already free. All this does is traumatize us all again and rub salt in the wound, showing us that a Black man or woman or child can do everything right and get killed in 3 seconds.

That is a handsome bike!

The people paying her care. It might have all shaken out differently if she had asked permission to change her working arrangements. Enacting ANY policy change without asking a supervisor first is inappropriate.

Right? Hell, if one of my people had a job that could be done entirely on the internet and they came to me and asked if they could work from home I would probably allow it, at least part of the time. But if they just waited until I was out of the office and DID it without ever consulting me, actively tried to keep it

NRA went right along with the 20th century political shift of conservatism from “small government” to “THE BIBLE AND THE CONSTITUTION ARE THE SAME THING AND JESUS WOULD WANT ME TO SHOOT PEOPLE! ALSO, FUCK THE POOR!”

There’s been a number of peer reviewed studies on this topic, pegging the cap between $75k - $90k household income.

Once again, spoiled brat ex-hippie baby boomers ruin the world with their seflish greed and demands to be in charge forever.

In surprising reversal, Chad Johnson is taking the House to it.

When McEnroe first heard the news that Navratilova had announced she was gay, he was heard to yell, “OF COURSE SHE’S OUT! USE YOUR FUCKING EYES, ARE YOU BLIND? HOW COULD YOU SAY SHE WASN’T OUT WHEN SHE WAS CLEARLY OUT?!?!”

Generally because becoming successful means they’re adding “rich” to the already one-two punch of “white guy.”