Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

He’s trying to drive a wedge between Germany and the US, because that’s what Putin wants.

Everyone who has ever spent significant time on the island is nodding their heads enthusiastically. Of the people who are still there, half are quietly appreciating this solid burn and the other half are outraged and shouting, “if youse don’t like it, leave it!”

Ari’s “background” is that he plead guilty to the “illegal possession and resale of stolen motor vehicles” in 2006 in Michigan, and then again in 2011 for “felony wire fraud for a Ponzi scheme.”

Frankly, that describes most cops: scared, uneducated pricks who’ve been given a gun and the authority to turn their grade-school bullying into a profession. For some, the racism is just the cherry on top.

Former Milwaukeean now living in Madison. Prachi ain’t lying here. Clarke is like outer limits. I know people overuse the word “unhinged” but he has no understanding whatsoever of reality. And that’s on top of being evil, corrupt, and racist. The only thing that gives me a slight bit of comfort is that he’ll probably

I obviously haven’t seen the show, but how does a regular ol sitcom espouse conservative values? What were the plotlines? A daughter gets pregnant because she’s only ever had abstinance only education and Tim Allen forces her to carry it to term but doesn’t contribute to the upbringing of the child?

As others have noted, the surface problem is that Congress, the branch of the government that has the Constitutional power to remove the president from office, is controlled by Republicans.

In short, because the Republicans control Congress, and Trump’s insanity is helping them do what they exist to do: line rich people’s pockets by hurting the poorest and most vulnerable. 

Though they look similar, there’s a distinct and fundamental scientific difference between steam and smoke. You see, in a cold environment, a fresh pile of shit will give off steam by....wait, the fuck am I doing? This is a matter of science, and you don’t strike me as a “science person.”

Cancer destroys you in a misguided attempt to heal the sys... oh.

“Beckley is one of the larger towns in West Virginia and has a Starbucks, Ulta, Olive Garden, and airport”

A trump of assholes.

Might I suggest “a corporation of assholes”? :D

How about a “fourchan”?

I feel like a “murder of assholes” unfairly maligns the noble crow.

I find it weird that the part of America that demands people speak English or GTFO are the same ones that elected two presidents who can’t string together coherent sentences in their native language.

And they are the ones who get elected, win the popularity contests, and cheat, lie, and steal all the opportunity and wealth. Virtue is rewarded with suffering in the West. Not that much of the East seems to be much better these days...

Whenever I read stories like this in the world, I wonder how on earth people my age or younger can just go and willy nilly drop $2000 on something like this. Our household income is twice the median and anything over $200 is a ‘is this ok? Can we do this?’ type of purchase. I always wonder what these people do for a

Part of the problem, as I see it, is that you are generalizing a philosophy based on limited instances. The article discusses these conflicts specifically in the college context.

The freedom of speech is the right not to be treated differently than others based on your opinions.