Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

I’m a big fan of that ESPN radio/TV show Gen-X Cracker Jagoff Who Played Professional Sports For a Time and Gen-X Cracker Jagoff Who Had a Different Career Path.

The problem is that we’re never going to stay. Any native force knows at some point occupiers go home, while insurgents already are home.

This is why the left loses all the fucking time—we demand this kind of ridiculous ideological purity and 100% adherence to all possible issues that affect our broad coalition of leftist/progressive voters at all times. That’s an incredibly stupid, naive way to look at politics, frankly. Did Bernie Sanders fully

So... what if it wasn’t abortion? What if Mello was a supporter of the Wall? Or the Muslim ban? Or stop and frisk?

Yeah, I’m not sure how this is going to play out. “Only support candidates who support every single thing you support. He doesn’t supports X? Well hell, just let the GOP control the whole thing then, because Democratic candidate Z hasn’t even mentioned “Save the Whales” once”. Look, no candidate is perfect, you are

This is a big deal beyond this fake sports league. I am really hesitant for my kids to play games online specifically because of the misplaced profanity and racism. Note, I’m not opposed to well-placed profanity.

Just so you know, that’s a massively stupid argument.

This is it. This is it right here.

Never forget:

Barrack Obama didn’t become President because the white working class threw their lot in with him.

Ooh, great, yet another Aggrieved White Male with anger management issues and zero control over his emotions. Yeah, we totally need more of THOSE in power.

Society failed him? How so? He went to an elite high school, went to college, made millions of dollars in his early 20s, had as nice of a house as I’ve ever seen in person...he is a horribly fucked up person who made horribly fucked up choices.

I can’t stand Trump, and would never in a million years vote for him. But I agree with him on this H1-B issue. We need to curb their usage. They are being abused, most definitely. There are plenty of tech people in this country that these companies could be hiring. Other countries will hire their own citizens first,

A dead cat would be better than Trent Richardson because a dead cat wouldn’t lose yards.

💜 you so much for “100 Days of Clusterfuck”!

Labor forgets its class consciousness sometimes, but capital never does.

This whole “OBEY ANY AND EVERY ORDER YOU ARE GIVEN OR YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS ARE FORFEIT” deal aboard airliners is getting really old.

He doesn’t have a voting record because he wasn’t a Congressman. So check out his record in Massachusetts and let me know what racist policies he enacted as governor.

Mitt Romney isn’t a racist. That’s the point. His father was revered in Michigan for his work as a civil rights lawyer, and the Romney family all but forced the Mormon’s into accepting black members in the 60's.