Precisely, this is the kind of person (read: *almost always* a white male) whose barometer of “good person” is “*I* think I’m a good person”.
Precisely, this is the kind of person (read: *almost always* a white male) whose barometer of “good person” is “*I* think I’m a good person”.
They’re basically akin to a sign saying “I’m an industrial-safety accident that didn’t happen (owing to the Big Gub’mint that I’ve been trained to hate)“.
I hate to sound like a 1990s Democrat here, but can’t we try a third option - mistakes were made on *both* sides? It’s not a good idea to flee the scene, but the cop very possibly *was* profiling and the escalation was completely uncalled-for.
Sad upvote for absolutely *knowing* they’re champing at the bit to “crack some skulls” and “clean up the streets”.
While my logical brain says “for the love of everything, DON’T drive off!”, I know cops profile. When I lived in Florida I had a very slightly-illegal tint on a little red sports coupe when I was in my very early twenties and kind of dressed like a young guy but wasn’t into anything bad - I was pulled over constantly.…
Well homelessness started two years ago, you see, because the President of people who’ve never been more than 50 miles outside of their bullshit Midwest/South/Sun Belt town except for that time the wife made the family visit Times Square can somehow get those worldly* people to believe damn near anything.
*I saw it on…
Bret, is that you?
The only upside is it gives me the perfect retort to cowardly white cops and their apologists. “You couldn’t do this job!” “You’re right, I’m literally too smart for it.”
Remember when the scariest-looking guy at the incident wasn’t the cop? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Uh, you are - again, showing up and asking for asylum IS how the law works. But please, do continue regaling us with your scathing pomposity and disdain for the human condition.
They follow what’s palatable and easy, which in no way resembles their faith. Try to keep up.
That also explains the rampant diabeetus of the body and soul.
Alternative futures become alternative facts, apparently.
Yeehaw, praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
Showing up and asking for asylum IS the legal procedure, but again, good try. As for your zinging closer, seek help or remove the “Circle” from your moniker in the name of expedience. #YouMightBeASociopath
Sweet Christmas, Mass Effect in first-person would be excellent - a VR version would get me to try a VR set for sure. This is truly exciting shit.
Good sir! Are you implying they’re not reading it for the articles?
It’s not, it’s for the women who (inexplicably) love them.
Parents, what do you do when boys act out?
The same people who continue to prop up the patriarchy and Daddy Death Cult also avidly consume Nicholas Sparks content? You don’t say!