Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

Because the toxic masculinity they’ve experienced their entire lives (which likely led them to become cops in the first place) has reinforced the idea that hostility = compliance = the one thing all angry boys want, RESPECT.

But....but they’re HEROES.

So let me get this straight...

Chuck just got a Tingle.

It’s like this horrible sideways Dunning-Kruger effect. The Boomers are seemingly too shell-shocked by Watergate in their youth to, you know, do anything about the new Watergate.

“SJDSA” is a thing? This Philadelphian would like to know more.

Look at those Teutonic choads. I’m glad they’ve got all that military assault gear for... :: checks notes :: a suburban American neighborhood, because looking at them I’m pretty sure breathing winds them.

You trusted the word of a teenage boy about a symbol you don’t understand?

I don’t even like baseball and I’m proud of the Cubs for doing this - no mealy-mouthed “this does not reflect...” or “we are committed to....” nonsense. Well done.

My dad is that dad. My mom waited patiently while my dad gave his “the bullies just want attention” speech, and after he was done, my mom sat me down and told me she’d buy me a Nintendo game if she got a call from the principal telling her I knocked the shit out of that kid.

Also, I think Bill Adama said it best: “If you keep running from the school yard bully, he keeps on chasing you . But the moment you turn around and stop you punch him really hard in a sensitive spot. He’ll think twice about coming back.”

Can I use “winemom”?

A masterful reply.

F*ck right off with your whataboutism, troll. They’re both wrong, we can hold people we otherwise like and agree with accountable.

I’m a Christian and my Christian beliefs are you don’t do interracial marriage.

These people think that caring only for those in their “tribe” is enough.

The problem is the Bible is so broad, contradictory and socially irrelevant that you can draw whatever conclusion you like from it.

Dear America,

This is Florida, so can we really be sure there wasn’t more than one bunny hopping around that night?

Man, Marlon Bundo was going fucking *off* that night.