Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

“I’m not a racist or a misogynist, I’ve just never had my life or beliefs challenged in any way so I have the skin of rice paper!”

What a shame; had he pulled this off he would have officially been upgraded to “white”.

That’s not a point, #NotAllWhitePeople. GTFO with this, it’s irrelevant at best and at worst, well.....

No one knows exactly what the Fox News hosts said specifically that triggered Trump, but surely it had something to do with the president of Toyota Prius owners allowing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to donkey punch him in the face

This is a Linda all. the. way.

You magnificent bastard. There goes my tea.

I humbly submit “Run the Fools”.

Happy to be star #500 here.

Fair. But you know what else also never worked? Centrism.

You’re only part right. Fox News viewers think “socialism” and at *best* they think Linda Taylor, the “Welfare Queen”, at worst SOVIETS COMING TO KILL US ALL!

Bully playbook 101 - once the victim has had enough and is about to hit you, flail backward, scream and get the attention of the recess monitors who conveniently weren’t paying attention while you were pushing your victim around, and profit!

Why is it when they do it, it doesn’t suck?

“Why do you hate artists so much”?
-- people who just don’t understand

I’m....actually kinda okay with that Gilead scenario. At least he’d finally get his wall, albeit on the southern border of Oklahoma.

Hey hey! Ugggghhh.

Personally I’d rather hear them say, in no uncertain terms “stop saying progressives are for ‘open borders’, or ‘want drugs and gangs’ - just knock it off with that nonsense. You want to talk? Let’s talk. You wanna spout bullshit, go yell at the TV at a bar, the adults are talking.”

I guess you missed a little thing called “the entire Democratic Party, running scared from 1994 - ???”

Same old shit.

:: rich guy takes 7 of 8 slices of pie ::

That’s because stoned high school juniors are the cheapest in the animation game.

I remember 7th grade when a kid brought Appetite to the art room before 1st period and changed my life forever.