Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

Guns are a problem, but as I mentioned in another post the real issue is and has always been from the beginning of humanity, toxic masculinity. My theory is you conquer stupid adolescent boy thinking and you get the world “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” people imagine.

And this is why William Joseph Blazkowicz is my spirit animal.

No, this is plain and simple classic toxic masculinity.

You forgot “I am a man”.

The second online multiplayer went from IPX LAN to open TCP/IP I checked out - my reason was I had no interest in an adolescent boy I’ll never meet somewhere in the world acting like....well, an adolescent boy. When the problem is now that adolescent boys (and let’s face it, turning 18 doesn’t mean you’re no longer an

It’s never been about incompatible conflicting ideologies; everything is and always has been about their male need to win.

I can’t wait to see toxic-masculinity afflicted little boys twist their Underoos in knots trying to defend this fuckknuckle’s “right” to continue to own firearms.

Hamby makes $308,000 per year as superintendent of the 4,800-student Buford School district

Who gave this shitgibbon a law degree?

Read “A Generation of Sociopaths”. Seriously. Like right now.

Sweet Christmas, even a 2-second Google search could show that mouth-breather how wrong he is. Sure, it’s a bad example because it was a terrorist attack, but did he miss the fact that it happened in Africa, in a MALL? But yeah, no civilization there!

Is that Leo Elster?

I wouldn’t hold my breath. There’s nothing someone in the grip of a cult can’t rationalize.

I’ve been watching this story make its way through various media outlets with their chosen slants and takes on it for a week now. It’s like watching a worm grow in real time. This is the first take to hit on what I said to myself when I read its first incarnation last week - it feels like someone threw tired

A bunch of rich a-holes scrambling to get richer atop the ashes of the nation they rob for their meaningless bragging rights?

Ooh, can’t wait to hear the “the officer was fearing for his life!” apologists on this one.

If this is a call to send these people to space, let me be the first to say I am all for it.

I was gonna say bleached anus, but sore throat works too.

I want to scream at that entire generation - the most privileged in all of human history, and they pissed it all away faster than anyone ever thought possible. Since unlike so many of them I am burdened with empathy, I think that it’s partially not their fault, they couldn’t have known all the long-term effects of

It takes a special kind of balls to say “fuck my shitty Boomer parents for their bullshit” instead of exonerating them because they bought you a bike once. I applaud your grit and sympathize with your struggle - have you read A Generation of Sociopaths?