Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

I know it’s kinda embarrassing since I aged out after SF3, but when did they put Keanu Reeves in Street Fighter?

You’d think that you’d quickly figure out that politics isn’t for you when you’re caught on camera espousing a position first advocated by Homer Simpson:

I’m now calling taking a 15-minute shit “executive time” in my corporate calendar.

The biggest reason it will always come down to this is that the right has been brainwashed by nonsense for decades, emotionally manipulated into always feeling and never thinking, especially more than one step ahead. And what the Democratic Party still hasn’t grasped is that they continually tell themselves there’s a

I’ve told this story before, but it’s as representative today as the day it happened. I once had to wait while my car was being worked on; the dealership had Fox News running in the waiting room. That day a plane had to make an unscheduled emergency landing - no information at all was known, but they already had a

This is porn for you, HamNo. As much as I agree with your sentiment, it’s porn. You have to know that property is a non-starter in America; it’s all too easy for the downtrodden conservative to empathize with the billionaire - “what if that had been my yacht (that I’ll never ever have, but still)?” - and use that

What’s in your bag? Who, this old denominator? Just a bag of melty candy bars that I eat too loudly while standing too close to you in line, belindas.

Well la-dee-da, lucky and well-heeled suburbanite! Try some empathy, dude.

I feel like I could have written this article. And I want so badly to enjoy the Switch on the level you, and my son do. But I’ve never been into Nintendo. I don’t like my games cute. I feel like I, the immersive story-driven single-player shooter/RPG/space-sim classic PC player, am the one who’s truly been left

That is also true. But one believes it...”because of the implication”. (I’m hoping you get that!)

Perhaps you’re right. However, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that half is not comprised solely of liberals.

Call this opportunistic if you must, but I believe middle-aged folk should be the ones in charge: old enough to have gained wisdom and perspective, young enough not to be fully entrenched and disconnected.

Jesus frakkin’ Christ. Can we just re-do the Civil War results and redraw the borders along the obsessed/not obsessed with college football lines? Because to me it seems if you’re this tied up in “amateur”* athletes at the whim of multi-millionaire sociopaths who play a game, you kinda deserve what’s coming to you and

...white privilege?

:: ducks and covers ::

“The children I have chosen to tie my identity to are better than the children you have chosen to tie your identity to - YOU MUST DIE!”

I tweeted a similar reply to them about my Jewish children. These monsters have nothing good at all to say or show to the world, and the only thing we need to know about them is that they stay under their rocks.

There’s that word that all right-wing authoritarians get hard for: “disrespect”.

THEN I’d call it a sport! Of course then all the Bobs would insist their caddies include AR-15s in their bags, so maybe this isn’t the best idea.

“This is the way it is”, the solid-wall defense of toxic masculinity and conservatism in all its forms.

ED.NOTE: I was originally going to post this as a reply to LooseSeals’ comment, but it went a little further than I expected so I started a new thread. My apologies.