Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

A first-year law student can argue that one - everyone is an employee of a corporation; even the CEO draws a paycheck. Dolt45 is not a sole proprietor owner of the Executive Office of the United States of America, no matter what the fuck he shits out at 6am onto a phone keyboard.

Kickers score the most points. Punters gain the most yards. #formerkicker #yesimdefensive

My guess is what’s echoing around that wasp’s nest atop her neck is something like this: “Well *I’ve* never been sexually assaulted and I’ve been surrounded by privileged white men my whole life who haven’t taken advantage of me, so therefore these people *must* be liars!”

I’m actually sorta okay with the idea of legalizing holding for many of the same reasons I feel about legalizing drugs: it’s happening everywhere, you can’t prevent it so you should probably just adjust to it. That being said I’m on the whole still against the idea because it seems every time average scoring dips a

I’m a little annoyed that this story only ends in “fired”, as opposed to the much-more-satisfying “out of a cannon, into the Sun”.

It’s amazing how brainwashed YOU are - it’s right there in your sentence “immigration and violence”. You believe (not “know”, “believe”) this is an immutable correlation because an angry person on TV or the Internet told you so. Stop being so afraid and start asking “why” to the hard questions rather than reflexively

You know, if police keep losing their cool like this at even the slightest provocation, I think we just may have to revisit the whole “alpha males are not emotional” trope.

I’d pay 50 bucks to watch Colin Kaepernick and other woke athletes of his sort play a game in a city park - I’d enjoy the experience more and my soul would feel good that not a penny of my money went to a reactionary old white guy.

But “SUPPORT THE TROOPS RAH RAH DON’T YOU DARE QUESTION OR YOU’RE A DIRTY TERRORIST COMMIE”.....totally apolitical in today’s climate, right?

My ex couldn’t understand how much I disliked associating with my subtly-racist hyper-conservative Staten Island Italian family, because while they had differing political views they were still warm, friendly people. Yeah, *you*.

You forget Option B: they get traded in at 40 for the 20-year-old version of themselves and then become *really* vicious.

We should just start a vague “Alabama is the new Brooklyn” online rumor and then they’ll have a whole new host of problems they aren’t even remotely prepared to deal with.

Nope, because otherwise you’re reinforcing the acceptability. If my 8-year-old makes an ass of himself in public I’m sure as hell gonna correct him, and I’m not gonna wait until I get home to do it. And besides, do you remember being an adolescent? They’re all monsters; it’s the point where you’re most monstrous in

I think the unspoken point they’re trying to make is that urban cultural centers are not the problem, the rest of Alabama is. The problem with that line of thinking is that it applies literally everywhere.

We played the Spanish Fort Toros on Friday night, I was meaning ‘panic the Toros’ considering when I think Spanish I think Mexican or Hispanic.

“You WILL stand and OBEY, because this is AMERICA and it’s all about FREEDOM!”

- Conservative logic in 2017

Got it, thanks for the clarification.

Umm, am I high or are these two statements a bit contradictory?

It’s amazing, and a bit nauseating, that we live in a world where you can say “the last two times they pulled that shit”. America really is the land of second (and third) chances, isn’t it?

You make your own success, or you keep losing. You demand what you want, or you get what they give you. You are bold, or you live always at the mercy of people who are. Bold ideas only become politically popular because of the work of bold people who are willing to fight for them before they are popular. Good ideas