Bret Stephens' Favorite Bedbug

As I said to someone else upthread, it would help if you stopped seeing “the government” as some monolithic faceless machine and start seeing it as, you know, a collection of people.

Her supervisor can be heard saying: “Sir, you’re making a huge mistake because you’re threatening a nurse.”

The Other in my home is going to HAAAAAATE this. Thank you so much. :)

This comment is everything. Can I frame it? Can I tweet it? Can I marry it and hold it in my arms while the world burns?

In my household we call this the All-Bran Theory. Mind you, only one of the members of this household (the one who stays up all night listening to GoT fan theories on YouTube while the other just watches the show) subscribes to it. Adherents of All-Bran believe that Bran is every Bran there has ever been, and he’s

Their audience is their audience: dedicated, delusional, dying off. Forgive the vulgarity but unless she deep-throats an American flag on camera I don’t think adding her ignorant aggressive vapidity is going to change anything.

My theory is its fanbase shrinks until it takes its place alongside MMA and NASCAR as a pastime of compassionless bloodthirsty Southern white trash. #HotTake

Just so we can get our tribalism on and act like dicks to perfect strangers because of the color shirt they wear - yup, real healthy to society. I’m done and occasionally find myself looking back, but I’m not going to take a step in that direction.

I’m sure their lacrosse programs are thriving though?

“All my years being in the league, I never received more emotional mail from people than I did about that issue,” Mara said. “If any of your players ever do that, we are never coming to another Giants game. It wasn’t one or two letters. It was a lot. It’s an emotional, emotional issue for a lot of people, more so than

I think it’s time for a factory recall; your HumanEmpathy v2.7 chip appears to be malfunctioning.

The worst experience I’ve had of gentrification (and now, hyper-gentrification) is how much these overprivileged white people (and white-adjacent, but let’s face it) are spending and bending over backwards to turn the city into the suburbs. If you like the fucking suburbs so much, WHY DID YOU MOVE HERE?!?!?!

And to think I had a little crush on her when she was just a local South Florida traffic and weather girl. I feel dirty. The bad kind of dirty,

Somebody send me a jar of Big Yellow Joint STAT!

Likely because THEY secretly harbor an inclination toward pederasty, so they assume consenting LGBT adults do too.

EDIT: “homosexual” is redundant so I removed it.

The line I always use is “the Democrats are playing chess but they refuse to recognize that their opponent is actually playing CharDeeMacDennis. And they forgot to nail the board down.”

Yes I’m a huge ME fanboy, but at this point it just feels like needlessly piling on - the game was just Not. That. Bad.

“No seriously, they’ll lose their shit and then we can go on Fox News and become the next Tomi Lahrens, it’ll be great!”

- guaran-fucking-tee this is what happened.

Yup. I was raised in an Italian white (who would not have been considered as such a century earlier!) family, only to find out years later that I’m adopted and 100% Latino. I spent time learning about Latin culture and telling myself it’s why I never felt at ease in white/Italian culture, only to have myself