No, it’s about ethics in gaming journalism - get it right!
No, it’s about ethics in gaming journalism - get it right!
The song actually sums up the ethos of the average Confederazi: “when push comes to shove you gotta do what you love, even if it’s not a good idea!”
How? Because Only in America(tm), history can be written by the losers.
The bikes??! What, were they reminding you of how fat you are or something?
Thanks for the research. I personally don’t agree with the rulings in that case, but that’s why we have a justice system.
Thank you for the research! I personally believe it still amounts to fire-in-a-crowded-theatre, but I’ll leave it to the courts.
Too late, you already went there. The Supreme Court decided in 1942 that certain speech is “fighting words”, e.g. words that would evoke a response in a reasonable person (e.g. “n*gger”, “kike”, etc.). Since shouting “blood and soil!” is directly threatening to people, it is likely not protected under First Amendment…
Giving the Average White Idiot a taste of his own: Stick To Sports.
(edit: these overprivileged tools, not you Samer ;) )
PS: Clay Travis can kiss a thresher.
I’d gladly double Philadelphia’s wage tax tomorrow if it suffocated these fools in the hinterlands.
Loeb: “I want to invest in charter schools and make my buddy governor and me millions but THIS BITCH won’t let me!!!!!”
Must emphatically disagree - GLOW was charming, clever and heartwarming (and a cool throwback since I’m so old I actually watched the real thing as a kid - ten-year-old me thinking “This is making me feel weird in ways I don’t quite yet understand....”). Bring on season 2!
You misspelled “eviscerate”, but beyond that I understand what you’re suggesting and why you’re suggesting it. I could see it backfire spectacularly though, especially with poor urban minorities. From a practical standpoint I certainly agree that real economic opportunity keeps authoritarianism and religious…
Does personal loyalty and generosity actually physically scare you? Does the fact that you can’t zero it out on a balance sheet keep you up at night? If so, you might be a sociopath - congrats, you’re what Today’s America needs!
Zach who is a Jewish male is being pushed out.
But He loves you! And He NEEDS MONEY!
I want to be snarky about this, I really do. I briefly considered Photoshopping “MAKING ISSUES ABOUT ME MAKES ME FEEL IMPORTANT” onto her sign.
My experience living among Cuban-American voters in south Florida circa 2004. This exchange was repeated several times.
CUBANO: ¡Viva Bush!
BORIQUA (me): Uh, why?
CUBANO: He don’t like Castro!
BORIQUA: Nobody likes Castro. Not one American politician is pro-Castro. What’s your real reason for supporting him?
CUBANO: .....
You’re thinking of his rap-battle name, C’lay. When I was only aware of his NFL editorials a decade back, for about 5 seconds I thought he was intelligent and clever. I guess that can age right out of you when you’re a privileged white dude (if that happens to me, please feel free to smack the sh*t out of me).
But he took a college spot from a deserving Real Amurrican (with an IQ of celery)!
“But it’s just a few bad apples!”
— non-urban white people in 5...4...3...