The Office is being touted as both untethered from ideology and the quotidian mêlée of politics. Instead, Kushner promotes it as an ideas hub, “an offensive team”
The Office is being touted as both untethered from ideology and the quotidian mêlée of politics. Instead, Kushner promotes it as an ideas hub, “an offensive team”
I want to live in a world where I never have to hear that old “God wants you to keep your rape baby, you slut” argument from somebody who looks like his name is Bob.
Fuck you, Bob.
So basically “we’re sorry your job’s going away, but on the bright side I’ll have more money”?
But only if it’s preceded by seven “What’s New Pussycat?”s.
Just to avoid 15 yards for any potentially-misinterpreted tosses (is that a spike?!?!?!), allow me to suggest:
var _official = Official.Any();
This is based on the belief of the wealthy and powerful that us poors are constantly looking to steal from them. We’re not “one of them”, so we can’t be trusted. And if one of them is stealing? Well then, that’s”just business” - it’s like some twisted pirate/Mafia logic.
The old “drug-test the poor” thing again?
I wish I could draw, because I’d make a political cartoon of a fat middle-aged suburban white guy standing on a platform over a throng of poor people, bending over looking down and yelling “they’re stealing from me, I just KNOW they are!”, while above him a rich guy picks his…
Because at Fox, wimmin are for makin’ babies and oglin’! If Granpda feels even the tiniest tingling down there he’s a viewer for life.
I’ll bet my bottom dollar every last one of these women is from Long Island so...yeah, Italians = diversity.
Personally I would have gone for The Real Housewives of Security.
At this point, my cranky-old-man feeling about all YouTubers:
I like the cut of your jib! PROMOTE THAT MAN!
According to sources, staffers are using encrypted apps, not speaking in meetings from fear of leaks, and spending “hours” in the office dissecting palace intrigue stories.
Now we’re getting it! Seriously kids, leave Brooklyn and go back home! Make another Brooklyn there!
Counterpoint: instead of talk of secession, why not relegation? Sorry Mississippi and Alabama, you’re out of the Premier League and officially Mexican until you get your shit together.
Nobody he personally knows, anyway.
Are you high?
As a dude, even one that self-admits to being more noticing of looks than I care to admit: I don’t give a flying hoot about what Kellyanne Conway looks like. What she says and what she does is abhorrent and anathema to the feminist cause.
This is interesting. I wonder if Philadelphia public schools are exclusively neighborhood-based. Philly gets a bad rap for historically-bad public schools (largely because the state took out a vendetta against them in the aughts and sends all the money to already-wealthy suburban counties that are large, white and…
I’ve felt this way about Cheetolini for a long time: starve him. Don’t give him the attention he so desperately needs (like the spoiled whiny fucking baby he is). And of course, since there’s a Simpsons reference for everything: