So...light treason then?
So...light treason then?
I just feel like breaking down this action into its most basic element and screaming “You attacked a CHILD’S BIRTHDAY PARTY! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU???!?!?!?!”
Jewelry is a useless patriarchal waste with fraud and abuse at every level of the chain. Let’s just walk away, people.
I hear you. Wouldn’t it be great if they included a title bug when the camera hits him like “Mel Gibson: nominee, Best Director; Complete Asshole”?
I hope not, as the pilot was so offensively bad I had to turn it off after 15 minutes. It’s an insult to Paxton’s career.
Who gave Mel Gibson such a good seat? Or any seat, for that matter?
Goddammit, I wear vests and have this hair. YOU CANNOT APPROPRIATE MY STYLE FROM ME, NAZIS!!!!
Just a whole lotta Bobs at that table.
Fuck you, Bob.
My takeaway from this entire dust-up? I am old.
If you’re over 25, we’re all in big trouble.
YouTube stars: the millenial generation’s morning-radio shock-jocks, but now with 100% more adolescence and 100% less oversight! Have fun, America!
Drew, there is absolutely nothing festive about the possibility, nay likelihood, of GrumbleLord & MAGA-Hat Model winning yet another Lombardi. Pretty much the only saving grace about this game (and the reason why it isn’t the *absolute* darkest Super Bowl) is that Dallas isn’t in it.
Toil away in your misery and feel…
Does anyone think this is just Baylor? No? Okay, moving on. Wish I had an answer beyond “burn down the NCAA” because I’m sure it’s not a popular one, but right now it’s all I got.
I have one neighbor who flew a GOP flag in front of his house in downtown Philadelphia. I tell my kids to refer to him as “the bad man”.
And now I find myself agreeing with China on something.
Stop the world, I’m getting dizzy.
Oh, the worst Super Bowl ever? Thanks for reminding me. We lost to a team best remembered for a lame rap video.
Were I in the room it would take every molecule of self-control I have not to push her from the podium and say “can we get a fucking adult in here please?”
Especially awful when they rejected my suggestion to just call them the Dallas Cowboys On Ice! in an attempt to garner fan interest.
This post makes me feel old in a “shut up, hipsters” kinda way. I think the font is fine, any issue is how it’s used by people who suck.
Comic Sans can die in a fire tho.