I’d say most of them, as prevailing American Christian attitude is “fuck you, I got mine and it’s your own damn fault if you didn’t”.
Or don’t, because any place that would judge you for that is no place that deserves you.
I mean: are these batshit motherfuckers trying to get her killed?
She and The Notorious RBG need their own crimefighting-duo show, STAT!
Wait, you’re dating my brother? Well, at least he’s making friends.
Agreed, this might have been good advice 25 or so years ago, before life and a litany of bad decisions left me with God’s own tolerance. 2 drinks might as well be vapor for me - I miss being a cheap date.
This shitebag is Staten Island AF. It’s basically District Two there.
and still others summarily rejected it even after watching because “I felt like I was being lectured by a Bernie bro” and, more succinctly, “men.”
Ah, the old “you must dress professionally (while sitting in a dehumanizing little box and only interacting with other people sitting in dehumanizing little boxes)“ canard. I swear all middle management is paranoid that the crusty old white CEO might come striding in at any minute and be annoyed that “*those* people”…
“My father is race blind and gender neutral,”
Phil Simms utterly obliterating Denver in SB XXI. I also remember the radio jingle “....we gonna watch Joe Morris run / in Super Bowl XXI...”, but oddly enough I can’t remember the real song they parodied for it - any NY sports fans help me out?
This year the police came in and talked to us (faculty) about what to do in a situation with an active shooter, and they made it a point to say, “when we come in, make sure you don’t make any sudden moves because in that hightened situation, we made take you for an aggressor.
You forgot the 2a) of “he moved/gestured/behaved aggressively!”, the “it’s comin’ right fer us!” defense as “aggressive” is the new black.
But then the person whose car you just ticketed will see you and START SHOOTING! IT’S US AGAINST THEM, IT’S A WARZONE OUT THERE KID!
Oh FFS, just STFU.
Dear Sports Fans,
The thing is if I’d seen that in downtown Philly I’d assume it was ironic humor!
Now I’m horrified.
I’d really love to know how a Maryland suburb (or any suburb, for that matter) has “great” culture compared to an “average” top-10 city like Philadelphia.