
“‘And the fact that I would go on and sort of declare myself — like, as a heterosexual white male — part of any marginalized community was terrifying to me, or just embarrassing.’”

I definitely have a not-bedding regret too!

I was walking down Huntington Ave in Boston, a few blocks from where the Boston Symphony Orchestra plays. A car pulled over and the driver asked, “How do you get to Symphony Hall?” Did I take the biggest, juiciest, lowest-hanging fruit ever and shout, “Practice!”? No. I said, “Oh, it’s around the corner and on the

He could’ve spelled it as li’l and we would’ve accepted it but no, Liddle Donald is a moron and a bully so he is going to keep misspelling it.

Turning down a free ticket to one of Nirvana’s final shows because I didn’t trust my car to get me there. 

To show you how dishonest the LameStream Media is, I used the word Liddle’, not Liddle, in discribing Corrupt Congressman Liddle’ Adam Schiff. Low ratings @CNN purposely took the hyphen out and said I spelled the word little wrong. A small but never ending situation with CNN!

The Ukrainian President I think he meant, not Ukraine President. I mean, he at least seems to have absorbed not saying The Ukraine. But who is he quoting here? “IT WAS A PERFECT CONVERSATION WITH UKRAINE PRESIDENT!”

My husband and I went on a honeymoon cruise, and one night the entertainment was a Newlywed Game style audience participation show where they picked a newlywed couple from the audience, a couple that had been married the longest, and a couple in between to participate as contestants. We were the newlywed couple. In

Once I was sitting in an airport bar waiting for my flight and a German couple was sitting next to me. At one point, the lady sneezed and I said “bless you” instead of gesundheit.” This happened a decade ago and I still think about it at least once a week.

I wonder what this makes me, since I have an Instagram account dedicated to literally just sunsets. So I see them every night, yet my face is glued to my phone while doing it.

You know how I know you’re gay?


Conservative ideology swiss cheeses peoples brains more effectively than any prion.

*woman cat

my favorite memory about NOLA was on the trip from the airport down to the french quarter and my driver said:

Because porn meets a clear and obvious need in society. The vast majority of people consume at least some porn. We’re better off demanding better, more ethical porn, which realistically means actually paying for porn coming from ethical studios rather than just watching whatever clips of shady origin we can find for

I live around the corner from a gym, with the rowing machines, treadmills, bikes, elliptical and climbing machines facing the glass window to the sidewalk and street. I often feel smug walking or biking past. One day I noticed someone had chalked a message on the pavement in front of the window facing the gym people:

I’m cynical enough that I don’t think anything is actually going to come of this, but I sure am enjoying Trump’s anxiety.

LOL this fuckin guy...Trump says:” She is no longer Speaker of the House”

“One Republican senator told me if it was a secret vote, 30 Republican senators would vote to impeach Trump.”