
This article pissed me off. It was effectively “I’m not sick from it and I like it so it must be safe.”

not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer, but that doesn’t mean we should pretend smoking doesn’t cause lung cancer

Your post might just be the most GenX thing I have ever read. 

I know, right?  When E. coli in spinach makes a lot of people sick, it’s usual to pull it from the shelves for a while and recall whole batches.  And you don’t see a bunch of bloggers going, “Stop the spinach panic! I have been eating spinach for six years and I’m fine.”

Vaping is only good for identifying which people are total chooches.

1. How did it help you quit smoking if you have been Juuling for literal years? You have traded one bad nicotine delivery device for another - less researched - nicotine delivery device. There are cigarette abatement programs that would work much quicker than your plan.

CDC: Everybody stop vaping, people are dying and we don’t know why while we figure it out.

Amazing that you don't see the irony in your comment.

The problem is vapes being directly targeted to children to get them addicted. Are ya’ll really all this obtuse? 

“Please, Can We Stop With The Vape?”

Adults can choose.

Tell that to my friend’s fiancee and his family....he is sitting in the hospital right this very second with a lung infection that won’t go away and is resisting all forms of antibiotic. He didn’t vape any blackmarket THC. He has been vaping, normally and legally for about 2 years.


The phrase “celebrity cop” should not be 

“By then, however, Barnett says Natalia had vanished and stopped returning her calls.

You could’ve adopted an American kid with only mild PTSD, but you went all the way to Ukraine and got a psycho dwarf.

Netflix doesn’t need smarty pants Neil Degrasse Tyson. Instead it will be “Mysteries of the Universe and the new Math”, with PHD Terrence Howard. The show is named: “It is hard out there for a PIMP” (Pythagorean Incredible Math Professor)

Unrelated (I think) anecdote: a friend of mine who works in casting happens to be Wiccan. She told me that she put a hex on her apartment that wouldn’t let anyone with “bad intentions” cross her threshold. A friend of hers came by one day & had a buddy in tow - Terence Howard. (This was slightly before Hustle & Flow

Team Antelope 

I guess she could Nazi those reports on her phone apparently.