instead of an age limit they should probably just be required to beat Carter in a fist fight.
instead of an age limit they should probably just be required to beat Carter in a fist fight.
You chant you need more money and you do in fact need more money. Undeniable scientific proof that The Secret is real.
I chant “I need more money, I need more money” to myself all the time and yet am not any richer, what am I doing wrong?
When asked what about performing she loves, she replied, “I was born for this.” And then she sang Lady Gaga: “I was born this way.” And then, she mashed up her own words to the tune of “Born This Way”: “I was born for this.”
Jesus, thank you for this. I read that and thought “Did this person literally call a dark brown Indian actress who has been amplifying womanism, queer people and body acceptance a WHITE FEMINIST?”
I honestly can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic...She & Him is pretty popular still and has like 5 (maybe 6) albums.
If I made a Sondheim reference and someone responded with they prefer The Phantom of the Opera, that’s my queue to not take them seriously.
Yeah, that definitely could have been phrased/discussed better. Because while yes, body positivity should be for everyone, there are some genuine critiques about how the movement is being co-opted. However, the co-opting is not coming from skinny people trying to accept themselves, it’s coming from the diet industry…
Stop it. Stop attacking women for having opinions, speaking out, and trying to make things better. What the hell happened to Jezebel? I’ve been around here for years, and recently the rhetoric has just become so hateful and isolating. This is ridiculous.
I agree - Live is a much better band. Unfortunately, they are currently touring with Bush, which means no matter which side of the debate you are on, you have to sit through half a shitty concert to see half a concert you like.
Wait till you have kids.
You get a more fulfilling experience riding on a boat under the DMB tour bus than you do going to one of their shows
Oh dear. Bush to Live is a massive step sideways.
Driving to Wisconsin from Illinois is exciting because Wisconsin is a fun state to visit for a weekend. There’s lakes, binge drinking, CHEEEESE, all the things you could really need to take a break from IL. Take the skyway into Indiana and see if you feel that same excitement...cause guess what, you don’t. You’re…
I could never give up my bitch face - at least once a week someone tells me they’re terrified of me and it makes my day.
I’m pleased someone is finally clarifying the negotiation of authenticating obligation and authenticating negotiating the clarification of obligation and obligating authentic clarifications and has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
I love the suitably deranged tone of this wiki edit.
I’ve been running a Pinterest long con for going on ten years now. I created a fake post on a fake blog where I claimed that you could use Country Time Lemonade powder like Sun-In to get beachy highlights and then posted it on Pinterest. Every couple of years, someone re-pins it and I have myself a little chuckle.
Here’s a story from 5 years ago (the 10th anniversary of the stunt). A quote: “The G6 still gets consistent use. It’s survived a flood and a multicar pileup, and it’s already outlived both Pontiac and the original Oprah Winfrey Show, which went off the air in 2011.” Oof.