
Wow, what a way to sell your product.  #CENSORMEDADDY

I stopped playing these because of the voice acting.  It is horribly out of place.

Proof reading is hard.

Here’s the problem... there are no games for these failures.

Just what everyone wanted.  Games as service... ... a new Anthem ... ... ... Fallout76? .. ... ... Oh yea no one wanted this.

You know what I was lookin’ at? All those empty seats... bitch.

What is going on here? They are coming out but only in their original format? Who the fuck wants that?

Why would they release those ones? They are the ones everyone likes and wants.

I for one am going to cover my head just to be nice. Who cares about religious freedom, this is post-truth america where identity politics rule and white people are evil. Cuck me daddy!

This is a marketing ploy

They dont even show gameplay. It is all conceptual and looks like it probably won’t play they way they are implying.

Why does he have to say anything? He has nothing to do with the shooting. If the the guy had yelled, “Praise Ronald McDonald! Super size me!” does McDonalds have to retire it’s mascot or even close their doors?  Is Sperlock guilty too?  GTFO with this bullshit.

Comments like this are why the clownworld and NPC memes were created.  It’s your fault.

It’s almost like the internet rewards people for shitting out of their mouths, making statements completely devoid of reality.

No, it’s not good. So what if some shooter said it! This guy has ZERO responsibility for another person shooting others. I don’t like this guy but the ermagherd feelings campaign being waged against him is completely baseless and destructive.


life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

Whatever, let these assholes kill their children. Then we can see how against vaccinations they are.

I’m struck by the fact that someone who has no idea what actually happened and never will is willing to play arm chair PI to determine whether it is or is not justice to defame someone’s character.

“I saw it in a documentary, so it must be true!”  Pathetic.