
If this same article was written criticizing a black college student, this site would be going ballistic.  People need to stop reading this radicalized trash.

Why was so much time spent writing an biased article calling for more censorship of the internet? You are either stupid, or a grifter. Don’t use 8chan if you don’t like it. So long as they aren’t doing anything illegal, nothing is wrong accept the bunch in your panties.

It’s not a fucking problem.  Forcing people to like things in order to meet some hypothetical, sterile quota is a fucking problem.  If girls want to play Magic, they can play Magic, but most likely a girl won’t be into this exact game, and that is fine. It is fine either way.  Stop forcing girls or guys into shit. 

Good thing you talked about boobs in the review instead of challenging this real issue.

Oh really, says who? You? 

Nothing else matters.  He is not a target of the radicalized ideologue mob.

Okay... so someone whom you accuse of doing something bad in the past, is doing something good in the present... and the problem here is, what exactly?  I know the answer.  The problem is that, to insufferable neo-feminists-whatever stupid label you do or don’t want to associate with, any offense is permanent and this

Okay... so someone whom you accuse of doing something bad in the past, is doing something good in the present... and the problem here is, what exactly?  I know the answer.  The problem is that, to insufferable neo-feminists-whatever stupid label you do or don’t want to associate with, any offense is permanent and this

“I like Kingdom Hearts, therefore my opinions are true. No the story isn’t confusing.”

Do people nodding their heads with this site realize what fools they are?

Nah. It is a specific choreographed sequence.  Just like a song, or a painting. We even call it THE CARLTON.

I love how people are so irresponsible and unable to control themselves that they invented this whiny spoiler culture.

So they are using this “leak” to justify why the game is being shipped to us incomplete... What a load of shit.

So can the people who repeatedly vote for people like Nancy Pelosi and Wasserman-Schultz.

??? It is the word fart dude! What the hell is wrong with you? Too much melodrama before bedtime.

Y’know, I fucking hate the internet and its cultural shaming bullshit. Here we have a bunch of retarded people with no stable measure of a baseline besides there personal opinions gloating and raging about wanting to control what others say and think. Recipe for disaster. Maybe people not involved should stay out of

Let’s celebrate censorship! Thank god we didn’t have to manage hearing this stuff ourselves! Not sure I could handle it.

Yea right! Sure they did...

New LA just like that old one... great. Might as well blame this fan effort on the Russians too.

Love the jump from immigration control to “ethnic cleansing”.  Which President oversaw the destruction of Libya again?  If your definition holds, Obama was a Nazi.