Fix It Again Tony

What the hell was we saving it for? I did not spend a lot of time digging into this, but it looks like a Viper ran you about $71K or $72K in 2002. (Yeah, this one is special, but I didn’t bother to spec this trim package.) That would be $123K in current day dollars. This was a stupid investment. Whoever bought it

South Park has done some gross episodes, but I think *that* episode takes the cake.

So basically you have to deal with mouse ball ick, except on a much larger scale.

Well about half of the US used to think EVs were hippie bullshit but suddenly thinks buying a Tesla is the best way to show loyalty to our Dear Leader. Musk should call the price increase The Orange-Noser Tax.

Hold on, won’t the government of Canada just cover the cost of the price increases for their consumers?  That’s how I was told this works!!!

TIL Jerry Seinfeld is a billionaire.

And here’s the thing — the tariffs might be 25%, but you’ll be shocked to know that companies will raise them by 35% (or more), just because they know that most stupid Americans cannot do percentages. So they’ll collect an extra 10% on the backend but blame the entirety of the increase on the tariffs.

I have to take care of myself mentally before. We did this for 4 years. I can’t another 4. So I’ve checked out.

The fools don’t realize that OPEC can just cut production and let prices stay where they are. And US oil companies aren’t going to spend billions to build new capacity or cut prices assume sort of gift to consumers. Methinks Mr. Orange and his supporters don’t really understand how the world economy works.

I’m not forgetting about them.

The biggest problem with that is the people who wanted this are too stupid to know why things are more expensive. They’ll be blaming Biden/Dems for the next 4 years for anything that goes wrong while praising Trump for anything that goes well in their life. Any real correlation or causation will be completely ignored. 

Same here, I’m fortunate enough that a little more cost of living is not a huge deal but I am HYPE to see the mouth breathers that voted for this suffer while doing what I can to assist the innocents.

I can’t wait for the tariffs. The fuckers that voted for him deserve it.

Man these articles are weird.

I suspect what happened is she tried to sue Lyft, her counsel told her look they got loads of money you are going to lose, so she tried suing the guy hoping he couldn’t afford a good attorney.

I suspect what happened is she tried to sue Lyft, her counsel told her look they got loads of money you are going to lose, so she tried suing the guy hoping he couldn’t afford a good attorney. Also wouldn’t there be some kind of legal requirement to stop and render aid, and you know fleeing the scene of an accident.

I mean it’s not like anything we have heard before, but also exactly like stuff we have heard before.  It’s a rock hitting concrete at high speed so it sounds like a rock hitting concrete at high speed, the difference this rock is from space lol.

If they can charge $1000 and still fill the spaces, let them. Not sure how that is controversial. Sitting/parking first class costs money.

And yet, the city’s issue wasn’t necessarily with the absurd price but with the fact that the parking lot owner didn’t fill out the right paperwork.”

“If you drive the car, you’ll be convinced”