Fix It Again Tony

The thing about me is that I’ve never been wrong in my life

Amber with the only rational take

Not sure if you’re aware of this commonly overlooked feature on convertibles, but they come with a retractable top that can be erected during and prior to inclement weather. It’s great at keeping water droplets from contacting your hair. And dogs are perfectly happy in the front passenger seat.

You know they’ll just get another Subaru.

The issue is that YOU DON’T NEED A RENTAL CAR AT ALL when you have a gas car.

If I have to rent a car to make long distance drives, like road trips to visit family that live in other states, or going camping in remote areas of southern Utah, I’m not going to buy a low range EV and will keep my ICE car instead.

“But I’m actually synonymous with big-picture thinking.””

The same boring, basic, low skilled, non enthusiast, and careless people who used to drive Camrys and CRVs now drive Teslas so this should come as no surprise.

Fuck him and the swasticar he rode in on.

There is always the possibility, and I know this may be a radical suggestion but hear me out, maybe this guy is just an overall douchebag and the hostility has nothing to do with the truck.

Methinks cowboy doth protest too much. You buy that Cyberjunk and wrap it gold foil because you want to attract attention and make a statement.

Or even 2 years ago, when prices were going up and inflation was becoming a serious problem, when you could still go a week or 2 without hearing from the president. I know some will say it’s because he was really old and infirm, but I choose to believe it was because he was a normal fucking human being who didn’t need

Well, it IS Fox...

Here is G’s Street View - looking backward from the daylight cutout for the pedestrian crossing.

But the sticker doesn’t say ‘fascist’; it says ‘crazy’. The cave rescue was, IMO, the final straw that tipped him from eccentric to tissue-paper-box-slippers

If anyone just looked at his business history, up to and including him forcing Tesla at falsely call him a founder of the company, then they knew all of the warning signs were there. I sure did. He always seemed off in a way that made my stomach turn. And he just kept proving more and more how my gut instinct was

Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing. Here in Pittsburgh, my local Shop&Save has Hillendale for ~$8/doz, Egglands Best for $5, and the various small brands like Pete & Gerry vary. But less than Hillendale, who seem like they’re just jacking it up for fun.

All you need is a VIN to join PCA!

You reminded me of the last high school reunion I attended.  

Tesla’s FSD never stood for Full Self Driving. In actuality, it’s always stood for Fascism Sounds Delightful.