Fix It Again Tony

I’m not sure Honda wants any of this. 

Nah Tesla drivers have overtaken Altima drivers as public enemy #1 in my eyes. I have never met another group that does the most egregious things at such a high level. Tesla slander is welcome.

It’s already a nightmare. The toxic crap you can find in every home is bad enough as it is.

Sigh, this is a bad take.

I have no problem with this. There’s this story from history about a big wooden horse left as a present to a besieged city, can’t remember the name, by the opposing army after they appeared to give up? Maybe DaSilva should look it up.

This site is a tough read. LOL.

I’m kind of surprised because I would have assumed a 737 could just drive right over a coyote without anyone even noticing. They are not large animals.

Why would hitting an animal require the plane to return to the original airport?  If it got airborne, why not just fly to the correct city and then land and inspect the gear there?  Are they worried about the animal surviving and going all “Coyotes on a Plane” on them?

What a cluster… so basically one of the other employees recognized his wife from a picture on his desk, and decided to distribute her adult content at work and with colleagues? Seems to me like that would have been the obvious person to terminate, not Mr. Kirby.

A car salesman married to an amateur porn star seems on brand,  and he probably has a first amendment case. I will make popcorn and await Steve Lehto.

I’m going to say that the “standards of professional conduct” were violated by the other employees. As always, fuck dealerships.

Norway produces 2 million barrels of oil per day.  It’s burned elsewhere, so they can keep their clean air and sense of superiority.

The world is a complicated place. More than one thing is going on at once.

you’re white knuckling those pearls you’re clutching. nobody is saying loss of life isn’t sad, but this guy obviously didn’t lose anyone and, in the face of a lifechanging event, looking at a positive. 

Well I hope the dude got some nice shots, and I hope he will get some nice sides on his mug shot as well, because the “For the Views” social media doofus’s have been the bane of existence for quite some time.

What an utter moron you are. It’s all canyons, tight little roads. You think 70,000 people all trying to move within a few hours would go well?

Look, I dont wanna tell this guy how to do his job, but he seems bad at moving cars with a big bulldozer...

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Police and Fire departments ordered them to flee their cars.

easy to say, you are not sitting in a mile of unmoving traffic with cars already on the shoulder with a fire getting closer in your rearview mirror every minute.

but we can’t see or quantify any actual damage from climate change”