Fix It Again Tony

Man, I thought that was some Chinese EV.

... Yeah. It’s not Southwest.

Their resale is strong, even ones with over 100K miles the asking price is $25K, It’s crazy. Good thing I plan on keeping mine forever lol.

Could probably offer $28K for it. it was definitely modified before and put back to stock so I would recommend to bring a mechanic or tuner that knows these cars, but the engine and drivetrain are stout. In it’s stock form, it is already a capable rally machine. this one only had 50K miles on it

“Still love the car though!” -Muskian cult members no matter how he scams them

“Elon Musk. Please fix this.”

If you’re dumb enough to give Musk your money, I have zero sympathy for you.

It’s the ghosts of all the people that are going to die in the future on the Starliner.  Ghost don’t have to pay attention to time, they’re not clocks.

After traveling 500 miles, how long is the charge time so it can go 500 more?

I’m not him, but I presumed that was a response to the two questions posed at the end.

whodathunkit that the language of a small island nation contains lots of sailor slang?!

Just wait until you see what they sell for used.

It would be nice to hear more about how they are getting that range. Is it simply stuffing in more battery, lowest drag coefficient, total weight, battery chemistry, etc.

How would a cop looking at a parked Tesla know if Sentry Mode was activated?  Are they just blanket-towing every nearby Tesla just in case?  Either way, this seems way too broad to be legal.  By the same logic, they could just seize every laptop they see because the webcam *might* have been on and captured something.

You get all you deserve at this point for buying one.

It’s kind of odd imagine how the landing of a booster on a drone ship at sea, regardless of its success or failures because it is not a mission critical objective, would be cause to delay any launches. It’s not like humans are ever on board the booster when it makes a landing attempt, and it’s not like this is the

You gotta be drunk to put with all those kids. Like my bus drivers back in the day.

Does this tunnel transportation involve resort fees?  If not yet, when?

According to this, Sargeant’s crashes cost Williams over $5 million in 1.5 years. It’s one thing to not be a performant driver, but it’s another to on top of that burn through a lot of expensive hardware and costly human effort for nothing. At least when he crashed, Crashtor Maldonado always caused some damage to

All I can say is....what took them so long?