
I don’t capitalize his name, but it’s intentional. I also never refer to him as “president.” Little displays of disrespect get me through the day.

No, it’s our job to be awful to racists. They deserve the worst. Lost jobs, lost friends, lost respect. It’s the only way they suffer for the garbage they bring into the world.

Dude, am the only “minority” in my Master’s program. We have a mix of teachers, social workers, and npo therapists and be quite honest some of them are...uhm...fuckwits? These people decide whether you get to keep your child, teach your kids, or work with seriously at risk populations. Half voted for the racist

He doesn’t deserve capitals. When he acts like a big boy, he’ll get big boy letters.

Other outlets are reporting the woman’s full name is Tami Barker, and that she is an ESL instructor at a local community college. Someone’s in the wrong line of work.

I would like Chris Pratt, please

“The world sees her as this glamorous, sophisticated, jet-setting woman,

Because we want our Famous Women to be perfect but effortlessly perfect. Hathaway showed her work. Remember how when Hathaway was at peak hatred, Jennifer Lawrence was at peak adoration, with everyone wanting to be her BFF because she was just such a Cool Girl (TM), so hot and talented, but so laidback and always

This is the correct take.

Way to overplay your hand, Susan. Nobody has ever liked Julia Roberts “very much.”

I KNOW, RIGHT??? Watching several of his public events, I’ve actually felt the hair on the back of my neck tingle, all “Oh, there’s grandma (and to a lesser extent Grandpa)”. In my family, it’s one of my aunts who is The One Who Can Handle Them So Is Considered Totally Off the Hook for All Other Responsibilities and

Kidman is amazing in the show. She manages to reveal the concealed pain and insecurities behind that porcelain veneer and delicate femininity....Its as though Kidman knows this woman she is playing very intimately. I have never been so riveted by her before. And Shailene is fantastic too. Her acting is effortless

Nicole is doing the heaviest lifting by a long shot but I can’t get over how much I love Reese in this. I don’t know if I’ve ever related to a character so much, and I’m not even a parent. The emotional compartmentalization, the leftover hurt, the boneheaded mistakes...just, very real stuff, I feel.

She is very good in this and her face has settled so it isn’t distracting at all. I love her scenes in therapy.

Give Nicole Kidman an emmy for “Big Little Lies.” Her work on that show is astonishing. People talk smack about her face, but that woman commands the screen!


OH i misread that. apologies, i didn’t realize that she was IN angola. I thought it read #angela so i was like ok.... apologies, i see what you’re saying. yeah that’s a problem.

Bish, wut???????

GOOD. Ok subject change: anyone else feel like sponsored content has almost taken over the main page? Seems to me I have to wade through a much deeper mix of sponsored articles PLUS a deluge of “what everyone’s buying from ____”/ “product review” to get to anything newsy lately. Am I wrong?

She’s not.