
Not to be picky, but she’s married to William H. Macy, not Willem Dafoe.

If you were Huffman’s close personal friend, you’d probably know that she’s married to William H. Macy, not Willem Dafoe.

THANK YOU. Oh, they chose acts that don’t pander to middle aged white guys and suddenly it’s a massive mistake. I can think of many people in my family and community who will tune in to watch them just because of the rarity of seeing two latina superstars perform on a national stage like this.

They’re both massively popular with Latino audiences, regardless of gender and age.

Ohhhh. You’re just a misogynist. Okay

Why is this a bad choice? Why are teen girls the only people that would like this? Shakira and JLo have been singers and dancers since the 90s and have multiple Billboard hits under their names. Their fans are not just teenage girls (somehow you forget the amount of Spanish speakers in the US that are massive Shakira

Lopez owned that role, Barbash should be impressed.

Every living subject of every based-on-real-life movie says the same thing: it wasn’t exactly like that.

They’re not. But what they do have in common is that they’re both far more severe than what Huffman did and it makes sense to sentence their perpetrators to jail time,  unlike what Huffman did. Which is the point I was making.

So true. I work in an accounting firm and re-watched Office Space this weekend. I can attest that accounting fraud is not acceptable at my firm or any other I’ve experienced.

Methought the Huffman letter was pretty decent. She mea culpas several times, states abundantly clear that her choices are not excusable, notes the shame she feels is “something I will carry for the rest of my life as motivator for better choices,” etc.

Which would be fitting given what she did. It’s not like she raped anyone or robbed a bank. People need to chill with their over the top class resentment.

Songs get reassigned between pop artists by producer types all the time, and Lopez is a woman of color. Not everything is part of the struggle, and I’m less than sold on this case.

fuck that, she always looking dewey and quenched, the very opposite of thirsty.

So, I ADORE this woman, but I’m wondering what the set list would be...

How does JLo still look like she’s 30? 

She didn’t sexually assault them. That wasn’t part of the accusations or her admissions.

Here’s the original article on which the film is based:

I will watch the SHIT out of this.