
I’m happy to see him go down (though he has been problematic for some time and it seems convenient that Tati was only ‘fed up’ after the vitamin thing).
Jeffree has been the worst person for 10+ years running and Tati condones Jeffree’s misogynistic and racist behavior by remaining his very public buddy, so

Who knows if/how long this marriage will last but damn are they not an excellent match for each other. Aside from the physical, they have similar backgrounds and upbringing, both have similar aged children from a previous marriage, both are business/brand savvy, and they are both in similar places on their respective f

I have seen her up close in person, and she is flawless!

Most thankful for the “UPS guy” from legally blonde wearing a badge that says “BDE” on it in place of UPS. It’s in the details y’all.

Oh god, this reminds me of the emails I used to get from complainants daily when I worked for a police oversight body. Many people had valid complaints...many people did not, and when I would send them the, “we won’t be taking this any further” notice I got emails like this a lot. One guy used to tell me all the rapey

Boy, he’s a real charmer. Lock him up and get him some lithium, fachrissakes.

Wow. He’s certainly not been that concise on Instagram, but never mentioned what had been said. That’s horrible.

This is the scariest thing by him I’ve read, but the Instagram posts where he decodes secrets printed on candy bar wrappers are also . . . worrisome. He believes he’s in some symbiotic, ordained relationship with Trump. Trump has yet to chime in, but he probably will soon. He has the time.

holy shit

This sounds like something I would tweet at the cable company from my sock puppet account after I sat on hold for 45 minutes just to be disconnected.

That is terrifying! Does he not have any family who can help him?

That's, uh... colorful. 

Give him credit, he knowns how to write a concise and maniacal four sentence business email.

Wow. That’s awful.

None of the people I’ve ever heard call Jane Fonda “Hanoi Jane” were veterans.

I watched the Vietnam documentary with my Vietnam vet dad and when the topic of “Hanoi Jane” came up he quickly said “oh who cares.”

I prefer to give women like this my attention.

My first thought when I saw the trailer in theaters a few weeks ago: “I swear, this movie is made in conjunction with the Winchester Estate to get more people to visit.”

That house would be so much cooler if they hadnt slapped yellow and green glossy paint all over everything in sight. I was so disappointed when I visited. Heard about that place since I was a kid and was expecting a creepy old house. Nope Not creepy at all. Like a “disney” version of a creepy house with lots of new

Are you thinking of the New York Post? I don’t think Murdoch owns the New York Times?