A Literal Noob

+1 antler

So this is where the buck stops.

I think it’s kind of sad how he sidelined his own best judgment in deference to a figure of authority, an authority whose own judgment is not to be questioned, and it cost him his own better interests while only furthering the narrow interests of the organization that authority represents.

It didn’t look like anything to me.

The series finale will reveal that the whole thing took place in Barron Trump’s imagination as he sat in his gold-plated sandbox.

Rodgers is a transcendent quarterback who is forgetting about his family 50 years ahead of his peers.

Holy crap out of all the years I’ve been commentating on deadspin and you reply to this shitty comment. I’m just busting your balls you alright, and I’m actually enjoying the foodspin videos

You have this reversed. :)

Thank you for being so Frank about the situation.

Liberal academic elites, with their PhDs and whatnot. Just Gauling.

“When America sends its NFL teams, they’re not sending their best.”

“The reason I bring all this up,” Pitino says, “is those girls were hot enough to melt steel beams! Hooah!”

All my excess live in Texas.

Sorry, Patrick, the correct title was “What is Alex Trebek Hilariously Shits On Jeopardy! Contestant And Her Whole Crew For No Reason”.

I assume “Jesus” is an affordable Napa Valley Chardonnay.

I know right, stick to sports!!!!!!

I would choose to travel back to the time when America Was Great Again, which was a time many thousands of years ago when elephant-like creatures ruled the land as noble, scholarly pacifists who enjoyed wearing intricately beaded muumuus woven from the fibers of rainbows.

Ringer, I served with Grantland. I knew Grantland. Grantland was a friend of mine. Ringer, you’re no Grantland.