A Literal Noob

Real sad not to see Rom Romberts on this list.

The skiing at Deer Valley may be great but (1) as a skier, I hate traverses, too, and (2) once you’re done for the day you’re still in the middle of fucking Utah. Give me Colorado resorts with the mild inconvenience of snowboarders any day.

Illiteracy would not explain the aversion to improv, as the essence of improv is that it is an oral pursuit. If script changes were rewritten, they would be improvised. Anyone fluent in English has the baseline ability to improv in English.

When in past tense, it’s either pled or pleaded — your choice — but not plead.


But you hate ROTJ! You detailed all the ways it sucked in your post before TFA came out!

Or perhaps how her salary compares with what Graydon’s was when he started his tenure, adjust for inflation?

Hopefully your new book agent doesn’t also represent Keurig.

My sunroof flew off my G35 6MT Coupe at 60 mph the other week. It landed unharmed on the grass down from the shoulder. Still trying to get it fixed.

Maybe it was an errant bullet the blue sky.

Am I the only one who sees the invisible dong in this photo of her?

I think you mean Filliam H. Muffman.

I don’t understand how so many Kinjans can be so knowledgeable about GoT but still have no command over the correct spelling of “Cersei.”

It’s definitely a false equivalency. It’s not if you hold up the mere fact that Confederates owned slaves as support for them being fucktards that deserve no monuments. By that logic, the founding fathers also owned slaves, so it’s a “very fair conversation.” However, owning slaves is not what made the Confederates

According to the map, the Capitol is in the light damage zone, where its windows could possibly be broken. Would that really count as being “in ruins?”

As a former evangelical Christian, I feel obligated to correct the record here: it’s not necessarily that these men don’t trust women (well, they don’t), or that they would be uncontrollable alone with a woman (maybe they would?). According to the Church’s teachings, what they are trying to avoid, at least in theory,

Sam Neill.

That is some terribly designed letterhead.

+1 priest sheltered from justice

Shinzo Abe.