
To ad insult to injury, the mermaid women in the final ad that aired are wearing shirts.

From the Times:

It makes me sad that shes nothing like Peggy Olson irl

Maybe a super contagious cold goes around and society becomes a chaotic dystopia because all the men think they’re dying.

Hold onto the fact that Nick Offerman is a stonecold fucking badass and pretty neat dude in real life and let that make up for this supreme let down. That’s what I do.

There is a very strange union of spiritually and weight loss in some evangelical churches. Apparently the healthier (read: thinner) you are, the closer to God, I guess?

But that’s not all they are, which is the point, in my mind.  Chris Pratt is to his religious beliefs seems more like a Tom Cruise to Scientology thing.  Colbert makes fun of the church all the time.

He is giving me real ‘Tom Cruise as the face of Scientology’ vibes with this stuff. Same with the Biebs. I’m wondering if they have some handlers influencing this sudden public display. 

He peaked as Andy Dwyer. I haven’t seen him in anything else and don’t plan to. And yeah, his public persona is...blech.

I really didn’t like him before. I didn’t enjoy his role in Guardians or Jurassic Park. He just seemed like a dudebro who got ripped.

Pratt seems like a Nice Guy, and it’s clear he has good intentions, but Evangelicals are The Worst. Following the doctrine* prevents you from being a genuinely good person 90% of the time.

I’ve watched ‘Mad Men’ all the way through like three or four times now, and yet every time the Bethany Van Nuys character turns up, I without fail go, “Holy shit, that’s Anna Camp!”

Came back a second time to contemplate that perhaps you are simply a titty troll. 

Are you implying that if someone wanted to try hard enough they should be able to breast feed? It sounds that way, but I’m sure it cannot be what you meant to say. Maybe edit for clarification? Because saying that would be really cruel and medically incorrect. Some women just....cannot. You come across really self

I don’t know of anyone who accepts that Steve Buscemi is legitimately attractive, including Steve Buscemi. Makes a hell of a Nikita Khruschev, though.

Everyone should have a political opinion. The problem with Trump’s is it changes all the time and he has a remarkable lack of curiosity about the world around him. 

Hot take: Greg could have said no to Raging Waters and launched into a Meatloaf cover à la “I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)

This episode started a little slowly for me, but gradually it turned all too relatable. I definitely can’t handle more than 3 drinks—two, to he honest. And I may have started to cry during the darkness song.

“What’ll It Be?” is definitely my favorite too. Santino Fontana is an American treasure. It is crazy emotional, shows his range so well and only he could do it, not shitty NEW GREG.