The god of the far right is a petty and evil one. We need a lot more ex-evangelicals.
The god of the far right is a petty and evil one. We need a lot more ex-evangelicals.
Yes! Those super complicated cakes that are shaped and stacked are always dry and hard as a rock. I get that they have to be firm to hold up with all the wooden dowels and crap being shoved into them but at what price? WHAT PRICE!?
Can I go on a rant here about how Pinterest is ruining Google Image search? I’d pay for Opera and Chrome extensions that exclude it. Blocking a site only filters it out of web searches. For images I have to type every time I search.
You’re a monster. Wanna hang out?
How did this man not possess the forearm strength to lift himself out of this predictament.
Proof positive that he is mentally ill. Anyone else would be comitted to a psyche ward, but he’s being left alone to run an entire country.
This story is phenomenal. We have a President accusing the previous President of bugging his office. Which either came from the transcripts of a talk radio show (which is nuts). Or....the discovery that the FBI had actually been doing it which means he’s been a suspect for awhile which means that gun be smoking and…
Hey, at least we now know that someone at the DHS watched Sophie’s Choice. It’s nice to know that are not all uncultured philistines down there.
Plus, it’s not like this is anything is new. Trump’s been calling people to his office (Kanye, MLK Jr.’s son, etc.) and using them for photo ops for months now. Everyone that leaves thinks they made a difference, because Trump’s a con man and made them believe so. Instead, he used them for cred. Yeah, they all got…
Spicer: “It’s ironic that no matter how many times he talks about this that it’s never good enough.”
“It’s ironic that no matter how many times he talks about this that it’s never good enough.”
I instinctively hate anything with puzzle pieces because of how frequently they are used to refer to autism.
This seriously bothers the shit out of me...
And why should my sub get the same piece? I should get a corner piece because we all know those are the best!
Much much longer than it takes Donald to do his “hair” ...
That explains the pilot’s helmet, goggles, and scarf that keeps popping up on the Churchill bust.
His comment on the age of the plane only reinforces my theory that he would have divorced Melania if he hadn’t of won the position of POTUS. Now he’s stuck with her for 4 more years.
Ivanka’s 35, which can only lead one to conclude that Donald Trump believes she is an airplane.
She’s only 2 years older than me, but damn! She is SO much further along the Skeletor Trail than I am! My big sister is 4 years older than me, but she also looks WAY younger than Conjob here.