
I hear you! And you don’t want to get me started on *FONDANT* - Satan’s solidified semen!

Even worse than alone - with Bannon!

Damn - isn’t porn just supposed to make you go blind, not kill you?

Is it bad of me that my first thought was “please, don’t be a “Florida man?”

Someone please help. I see that pic. everywhere; what is it with that weird salute-like thing she’s doing?

He’d fuck it? I guess it must have dribbled some oil on him when he walked underneath?

Maybe you are supposed to have fun trying?

Sorry for the meatloaf.

You were close. It is a large frame, but the picture is of Donald.

Great, just great. All the action still going on and you may have just broken the internet. It better still be fine when I get back from vomiting!

On the positive side, there appears to be equal opportunity for exhibiting extreme idiocy. Not only “Florida Man” gets to make the headlines. ;)

Thank you for this article. WIthout it I would have proceeded through my sadly ignorant life not even know that “mug toppers” existed. (FFS) Need to mention that you left out a warning about the chocolate cake “cloaked in white fondant.” Fondant is the devil’s Play-doh. Every time an innocent person gleefully

A recent movie explained her look.

Dead inside - no question.

Added bonus - they speak on ‘Rump’s level.

She’s had years of practice. Five years after I got to NC Jesse Helms retired. We had only 2 years of with a human before we got Foxx. (Also, while I can’t prove it, I think that she is Helmes in drag. Similar, yes?)

If you know it is a lost cause, explain to that it is possible to get pregnant with your legs “closed;” it can also feel good. You won’t convince them but the horrified look on their snotty faces can make your day.

Yeah, like you never have cramping, vaginal bleeding...nausea...vomiting...or fatigue during pregnancy & delivery. FFS!

Those kids didn’t get their views in a vacuum. Imagine the only reason parents would be upset is that they didn’t get write the tweets themselves.