
Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

I like where your mind’s at.

So Mr. Kempenich, say you yourself are outside the state capitol protesting against a woman’s right to an abortion and a driver accidentally runs you over with his car - will that exempt him from liability for injuring or killing a pedestrian?

It is because of Florida’s quantum proximity to hell that causes people to behave in such a manner. 

Serious answer: Open records laws! That’s why it’s always Florida.

Florida is really like this, you guys. I just want you to know that.

Florida. Why’d it have to be Florida?

I’m a church-attending but skeptical baptist and I totally agree with you, and send my own kudos to the Satanists.

I’m an Orthodox-ish Jew and I’ll join the frigging Satanic Temple if it helps reproductive rights. I might even pay dues!

I identify as a Christian but I admire the Satanic Temple folks for their ability to troll the religious right in a way that works.

Well said. I’m also an atheist, but I may join the Satanic Temple, just for the hell of it.

I’m with you on that one. Gimme a Victorian with an eat-in kitchen where I can sit and read my book while waiting for the roast to be done, and I’m content as a cat.

Exactly! When people say, “Well, we do a lot of entertaining,” I want to ask them if they like entertaining in proximity to the kitchen sink.

yeah, my house, built in 1942 is cozy little rooms and I love it.

Saw this elsewhere:

I am with you - open floor plans suck. They’re noisy, and they won’t let you hide your clutter. You also can’t escape your partner, roomie, or kids when you desperately need to. This is also why I think the current fad for tiny houses is stupid and unlivable in the long term.

Talk about Koreshing my hopes and dreams, amirite?

Am I the only person in America who isn’t enamored with open floor plans? I am all about a house having good flow, but it seems weird to me to be able to see the entirety of your main floor no matter what. Does no one ever want to watch TV or read a book without hearing the dishwasher running or kids getting food?

If the schools around here make good on their threat to teach creationism as science, I will take a serious look at homeschooling, at least for a year.

You should do what my dad did and supplement your kid's education with information that isn't blatantly racist and sexist. I would come home from second grade talking about Thomas Jefferson and my dad would be like, "I bet they didn't teach you about how he fucked his slaves." Plus I bet you'd learn some cool stuff