Ali H

Oh, where to begin... I'd actually already seen this, as I live in Mexico and am currently breastfeeding my baby (as I type this). I am ashamed that somehow the men who run this country couldn't find an actual woman to ask about this campaign. At least one of the actresses featured has distanced herself from this. I

As a mother who struggled with breastfeeding her first and had to quit (but 15 months exclusive with my second - go me!), these posters would have made me want to smash things. I certainly hope this was accompanied by increased access to proper lactation assistance at hospitals and at home and you know - MAT LEAVE.

A lot of shittiness here, but what your friend did was flat wrong.

your friend should be in jail

No. I will not cut them any slack whatsoever. If you choose to knowingly adopt a dog which has aggression issues that need to be addressed, then you deliberately pay attention any time the dog is near any means of escape. You do not let your guard down for one moment. Not. One. Moment. Because all it takes is

This is just sad. That dog didn't have a chance to be a decent pet. He needed proper socialization and training. Instead, a kid's life was threatened and the dog had to be killed. Very sad.

Holy hell!

I know it's heartless, but ... good.
Honestly, I feel bad for all these dogs that are clearly misused or untrained or abused, but regardless of what got them to the point of vicious, once vicious they need to be put down.

Don't "suffer injustice". I believe I have posted this here before but if not, here goes the Cliff Notes version:

The violence starts with the young men. The old men just point them in the direction they want.

I straight up do not understand the upsides to remaining chaste or innocent. As far as I can tell, there's nothing in it for anyone. Anybody have any insight into this obsession they can share with me?

This is SO sad, one of the many reasons I will never go back to the country of my parents.

I mean, I'm pretty 'meh' about many parts of feminism because they're terrible at what they purport to do, but I don't think you can really pin it on feminism here. These sorts of conferences have always been about two things: networking and money. The fact that this one happened to be woman-themed doesn't really

Yeah... that is hella fucked up. Even if she thought it was "consensual" a 15 year old cannot consent.

Maybe I am a little backwards but I don't consider sex and hard drug use to be on the same page... Although there was a girl at my high school who did go through rehab and had her poem about addiction & rehab published in the yearbook so why not. Overcoming adversity is just as admirable as succeeding in my opinion

One of the yearbook editors said in a news report that they did it because teenage parents don't attend homecoming, dances or most other social activities because of their parental responsibilities, so they wouldn't otherwise be featured in the yearbook's other pages. I *get* the resistance, but I think the kids'

Good for the school for being progressive and inclusive. Shame on the parents for getting pissed. I had a friend who was excluded from her senior year book (and not allowed to cross the stage) because she was pregnant. It still upsets her. She got pregnant, made the choice to have the baby and was punished for it.

This seems to me to be more of a problem with the mother, thinking that a relationship with a 15 year old could ever be consensual. I wonder if she ever even reported it, which certainly could be difficult if she was here illegally, but at least from the reports so far, it sounds more like the mother was angry they

Seems like the mother wasn't too concerned about her daughter making plans to run off with the man if she complained to the neighbors and suspected there was a sexual relationship between the two and didn't do a blessed thing to stop it. Her 15 YEAR OLD!

hold the fuck up!!!!!!!!!