Ali H

I completely agree. But I have a couplease questions. Why the quotation marks around "shift" and why does that haunt you?

I work in hospice, there are a lot of people who leave their parents and loved ones to die with strangers. I don't agree with it, but there are a lot of people who cant just 'suck It up' and yes, whenever I had to put an animal down I was right there with them.

Thank you. Military men don't like women, women who wear short skirts deserve to be raped ect. Lets all stop being douche bags. Not all military men hate women, that's fucking crazy.

For that you get online kudos, and you're a badass parent.

Thank you! I'm so fucking sick of that. Holding up signs or taking pictures and posting them on Facebook? Stop being a dick and start fucking parenting your kids!

Are you serious? That's pretty crazy. All cops are murderers?

You're getting really defensive, and I understand you're passionate about this, but acting kind of dick-ish really negates your argument. That being said, I like to think that a majority of cops are great hard working people who are doing their best. Unfortunately there are bad ones.

They aren't super safe, but I'd much rather be tazed than hit or shot. Unless you have a heart condition or hit your head when you fall, it's very rarely fatal.

I work in healthcare, we get stabbed/spit on ect. but we're supposed to call for a code strong to restrain the assailant. We are told a million times over that our safety comes first, coworkers safety, patients safety, and then bystanders safety. Cops are probably trained the same way, just because they can take a

I understand what you mean, but she made a great transformation. She's proud of herself. And I didn't see anything along the lines of 'I was so miserable and ugly and now look how sexy I look!' Like most of the weight loss articles/stories.

I think it's the same idea as the school uniforms. Does it actually do anything? No. But it makes people feel better.

WTH? I could only understand that if the smell was absolutely offensive, like making other kids sick.

I have the same horrible fear. Someone to just keep the bed warm and clean his socks. As soon as someone taller, sexier, smarter ect...

I'm sorry, I don't have any advice, I just want you to know I'm in the same situation. When I tell him something offends me I'm drama queen and need to get over it. He shut a window on my hand and when I told him that fucking hurt he said, "Get over it. Sorry." And then said he apologized, what else did I want. This

My state (Oregon) is pretty normal, Teen, POV, Compilation- guess that's a good thing?

I'm so fucking angry about this I can't even.... I hope this judge gets hit by a semi - repeatedly.

Yes! "Reciprocate" sounds so fucking gross. It is totally a 'I'll be a 'gentleman' and buy you dinner, but then I deserve a blow job because you're a 'good girl'

Neo Nazi birthday parties.... Sorry, but that made me giggle.

I think Razer is being a dick. This is why feminism gets a bad name, wear makeup and you're conforming, not wear make up and you're looking for validation. Why don't we all just do whatever the fuck we want to?

Ok, I'm 100% pro breast feeding, but this just creeped me out. I think it was the weird dancing and video cuts..