Ali H

I think you are right on and I would even take a step further to say that in some cases it is also our guilt. We cant stop the wars, we cant fix the VA, we cant do anything to protect our military men and women from our government who decides to send them to war for no legitimate reason and throws their mangled minds

Just because you want to feel morally superior about yourself doesn't mean that you need to shit on a happy story about a famous woman who switched places with a man who very well may not have seen his family or friends for months, regardless of the reasons. I would consider any type of business trip "selfish" using

I will totally tell you why and this is because the US public has no real tangible connection with the military and military families and so this "thank you for your service", switching seats with soldiers, and putting those fucking yellow ribbons on their cars are the only way they have to connect with and feel like

I think it's pretty rude to generalize that all members of the military are making a selfish decision by joining. You don't have to agree with everything they government sends them to do (I certainly do not) but voluntarily getting sent halfway across the world so that you and your can remain safe is actually pretty

"pretty damned selfish" Oh, fuck off.

Well, for one, firemen, police officers and nurses don't typically fly in full uniform and thus aren't as identifiable. That seems quite obvious. We also see them all of the time carrying out their work, going home to their families, shopping at the grocery store. A 20 year old in full uniform who may not have seen a

I fly every weekend for my job. I often see people, regular people who happen to be sitting in first class, switch seats with soldiers. Just yesterday I saw someone switch it up for a mother with a young infant. I think it is great that Amy Adams did it too. But I don't think she did it to get attention for herself,

That is one thing I have never understood either. I get having a half bath on the main floor if it is a 2 story house - that way guests don't have to traipse upstairs and use the family's bathrooms, and you are usually guaranteed that the "powder room" will stay somewhat clean. But having 2 or more bathrooms then

Is having a house with more bathrooms than bedrooms a rich people thing? Because as a poor, I'm not sure I get it.

On the other hand, he also wrote at least one song about beating and murdering her mother.


I made my husband sleep on top of me. The logic being, as he was blood family, they would go for him first, allowing me to make my escape. True love and all that.

I don't know. I love holding babies. Love it. If I had a TARDIS, the very first thing I'd do is go back 11 or 12 years so I could hold my babies again. When friends and neighbors have had babies, I always offer to hold them. Something about holding a bay has an almost primal effect on me. It feels like I'm doing

I just found out that our local hospital has this program and I got very excited. When I get my criminal record check done for adoption with the ministry, I will also be able to snuggle the babies who will be entering care - not a lot of people to do that so more babies to snuggle! And they really need it. :)

See, I feel like I need more information here. It's hard not to view the behavior as creepy/ off-putting, but if she has the money to spend and she's at spending least as much money/time on her actual kids, I have no problem putting this in the "quirky/twee" category. If she's lavishing money on her dolls while not

I'm sorry for your loss. Please don't feel freaked out - if it brings you some comfort, that's a good thing. You're not hurting anyone.

I get that foster parents are needed, but maybe she isn't the most emotionally healthy person to inflict on kids.

Probably not fair to the puppy. This is like extreme anthropomorphism of the variety that makes people think its ok to leave a monkey in the parking lot of ikea for several hours. Fine for dolls, not for living things.

I very much get it. I have two other kids but I still find myself snuggling a sleeper that I bought for a miscarried baby. I could do with a fake baby just to hold now and then. That...freaks me out.

Person Collects Things With Money They Don't Have