
If they yell ‘NO!’ at him, Cosby can identify them by voice.

I also have chronically grumpy bowels. After a while, you just don’t give a fuck anymore. I will poop in pretty much any public bathroom with very little compunction. Sorry folks, that’s what they’re there for and if my choices are to shit myself in public or pollute a strange bathroom, it’s really a no-brainer.

I worked as a wilderness guide in a rehab for young adults 18+ and most of our clients didn’t have wilderness experience and were somewhat unwillingly (at least, at first) backpacking around for weeks without showers and whatnot. Many of them were chill, but many were horrified, and I mean horrified, about shitting in

Story 1: So, let me offer the following backstory: I’m lactose intolerant. That’s it, that’s the whole backstory.

I have IBS. It was finally diagnosed my last year of high school. (Fun fact, my parents didn’t believe that I’d stopped pooping until I ended up getting an MRI for abdominal pain. My surgeon father saw the scans and went, “I can’t believe you had such an expensive test to tell me something I already knew: that you’re

Oh omg this just reminded me so vividly of my own similar experience: I was in college, watching a movie with this guy I was sort of seeing. Not a lot of comfort between us, yet, is what I mean. Still in the hiding our farts phase. But I really liked him. He lived in an old house with a bunch of housemates but they

I once ripped one at work that was so foul that the owner thought there was something wrong with the plumbing and called in plumbers to try to figure it out. They were there for hours, and I never had the heart to fess up. God, I was an idiot.

Whenever I hear someone go , “But why now? Why all these women now?” Let me use my experience and simple rational logic to explain WHY NOW.

She said that she didn’t know at the time that the hospital was Catholic and that it was religious doctrine that was making them repeatedly turn her away. Do you think the nurses were telling her that she could get treatment if she went somewhere else? Not likely, because then they would be complicit in helping her

Actually, he’s not a good person. Like, at all.

He’s not a mermaid, Bobby! C’mon!

In time that humans have set, which isn’t real

Yep. Sublimation. Water molecules, even when frozen, are moving around. Every now and then one goes “ping(1) ” off into space.

Me being a land surveyor, the name “Indian” (for native Americans) fills me with delight, as it commemorates the greatest “bust” in the whole history of navigation.

Well, she still has the intestines. I don’t think the FDA would be chill with one of the side effects being “gets rid of intestines”.

Yes! Yes! That explains why they cast a Kathy Griffin stunt double for the role of bowel (which, horrifyingly, is a speaking role).

Seriously can’t believe they just ripped my baby out of my womb, stitched it back up, and handed him to me. If I had any respect I would have just died in childbirth like god and Pat Robertson intended.

Don’t you know? Exactly 24 hours before being born, the baby sends you certified mail informing you it’s about to arrive. And it’s helpful because experts know that this is the best time to perform abortions.

This was my favorite response to Trump’s musings on abortion at the debate;

I did this too!!! I was so soooo painfully quiet, shy and insecure in HS, so when I got called up at the graduation party by the hypnotist, I decided this was *MY MOMENT!!!* I totally faked being hypnotized, said and did silly things that made the whole class laugh, and for the finale put on a hot pink wig and