Apparently the Queen Mother loved her gin and tonics.
Apparently the Queen Mother loved her gin and tonics.
I once had a guy text me one morning, ‘Hey, looking forward to this afternoon!’ And then when i went to the coffee shop to meet him, he never showed. I only texted, ‘I’m leaving in ten minutes if i don’t see you.’ and that was the end of it. Ugh what’s the point.
I know, right? I picture the narrator of this story as Ed from Northern Exposure.
I’m the same, though i also don’t like the way fur looks. Up here in Toronto, it is pretty justifiable to have a fur or fur trimmed winter coat and it just looks to me like…you’re wearing a bunch of haircuts. Can’t do it - i commute via public transit and i sort of get a vaguely sick feeling after spending an hour…
The album is called ‘Every Open Eye’, Bones of What You Believe is their first (very addictive and listenable) album.
It’s ok just to do it. If he says no, you’ll probably not have to see him again. If he says yes, then bonus! The stakes aren’t very high here.
Dear Zachary
Man, this is going to be me in no time, right here.
For the ingrowns: It’s just plain old BHA that takes care of it. That expensive ‘bikini line’ ingrown stuff is just plain BHA - it’s in aspirin and over the counter acne products. Just look in the medicinal ingredients list, if you see ‘BHA’ and use it once or twice a day, those in growns will totally vanish super…
Ask Polly is friggin amazing, seriously.
About 6 years ago, on a whim, i wrote her through her website thanking her for her books and how especially i had liked, ‘Then again, maybe i won’t’ as it told puberty and growing up from a boy’s side of things and that i had never read anything like that anywhere else.
My favourite magazine when i was 16/17, in the mid 90s during the Helen Gurley Brown days. I do think the tone was different then, more mature and sexy as opposed to juvenile but i was 16 with a history of questionable tastes.
omgomgomg :O
Women have traditionally given birth this way for, like, forever.
She’s totally unrecognizable in ‘Trainwreck’. It’s like what she would look like if she wanted to look like a ‘typical’ hollywood actress (thank god she doesn’t - she’s way more interesting in how she normally portrays herself).
When i was around 10, my family went to a nice buffet. There were these homemade alligators made out of bread, to dress up the table. Well, i didn’t get the picture, so i took a bread knife and sawed off the alligator’s head, put it on my plate and proceeded to *try* to eat it. It was pretty hard. One of the cooks…