Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.
Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.
I bet he has those hollow books that are used for staging houses.
She is afraid public will learn Brad is not the father of any of her children. - Maury
God, it must be SO HARD to be judged by your appearance and clothing choices instead of your skills and work ethic. HOW TERRIBLE.
the GOP let the horse out of the barn a long time ago but only now is closing the doors. Except it wasn’t really a horse, but a mangy goat covered in rotten marmalade who thinks he’s a unicorn.
i want to slap everyone around me bc of that unicorn dress i just dk what else to do w myself
Every now and then, I toss my cat a bird. Just to teach birds what the world is like.
Honestly, I’m a Bernie supporter who’s going to vote for Hillary, and probably even campaign for her, because, whether the circumstances were fair or not, he lost, and she’s now the only thing standing in the way of protofascist Donald Trump winning the presidency. And allowing Trump to win the presidency would be…
After what happened to Sarah Lynn in That’s Too Much, Man on Bojack Horseman I need former child stars to be safe and healthy for about a month. "I really want to be an architect." SOB.
Ryan’s pic was of all the R interns. This pic is of all the D interns. They are radically different — and there are still many white interns in the D pic. If it’s the more diverse picture that seems racist to you, well, the call is coming from inside the house, dude.
Oh or this one!
Elle Woods knows nothing.
Ed Gein wore it best.
If you got so drunk that a mugger noticed and decided to take advantage of that, a lawyer wouldn’t attempt to use your drunkenness to get the mugger off charges.
You’re both wrong. Duke’s for the win.
Obtuse: It’s not just for angles.