
That wasn’t the Old Republic. The Old Republic era takes place over 3500 years before Anakin was born. It’s primarily explored in the Bioware games Knights of the Old Republic (and its sequel) and the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic

Can we finally get a movie set during the Old Republic.

Sooooo, where’s all the commenters who said that this was a useless gesture? That DIsney would never submit? That the AV Club was doing something futile? All the naysayers and cynics who said that you might as well do nothing since that’s what “solidarity” gestures do? Weird how when disparate groups unionize they’re

To him America means the US, so he sees it as country built by white people. Also he’s as dumb as a bag of rocks, so he’s never really examined the logic of ‘if you’re not white, ‘x’-country is not your home’. Spencer thinks wearing a three piece suit and walking around with a glass of whisky makes him look

Yup. I hadn’t heard of those LA Times stories, but thanks to all of this, now I have. A lot of people in these comments are pooh-poohing the stands taken by the AV Club and the critics groups, but these stands are raising awareness of what Disney is doing.

When it takes Alec Baldwin of all people to give us a lesson in humility, we know the mankind is truly fucked.

Jesus Christ, this article...


Yeah. It doesn’t seem like the showrunners really grasp the extent of those traits but maybe they will play out more. The fight with Lucas in s1 was stupid but in the end good for both the characters’ development.

I think the rest of the party is starting to feel the same way.. He seems like a spoiled kid who always got his way and does not like it when the others disobey his orders.

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I’m listening to Space Knife on spotify now and it’s... not that great.

If you want some new wave electro, I highly recommend the Hotline Miami soundtracks as a starting point. Especially Carpenter Brut who has some of the most amazing videos.

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I was curious about this too, BUT I knew all about KISS since 1977 when I was in 1st Grade and they came out with comic books and action figures. I had heard of Siouxsie and the Banshees by 1984 (I was 12) but I had no idea what she looked like until after she took the makeup off and was on 120 Minutes in the late

Couldn’t for the life of me tell that Steve and Nancy were the Risky Business characters (consistent with their relationship though: largely driven by Steve’s efforts, Nancy only kinda caring). The on-point Siouxsie Sioux costume was a little...unlikely.

Believe it or not, Dragon’s Lair was released in 1983. I know it sounds crazy nowadays, but it actually ran on an internal LaserDisc system, which is why the “graphics” looked so advanced. You were basically just watching a LaserDisc movie.

It’s the popular show effect. People like Stranger Things and want to talk about it in comments. Therefore more articles are produced to facilitate places to talk about it.

Hot damn, I love “Immigrant Song”, and I loved it’s use in the trailer. And I can’t wait for a vamping Cate Blanchett, who looks magnificent with all those antlers. Too bad the movie release is a few days after Halloween, I would love to see that costume being pulled off.

The spirit of Jack Kirby is strong in this one. Some of the shots in the climatic fight as well as the end credits up to the first teaser look just like the comics I remember from the 1970s.

just as he was at the end of the little-liked The Dark World.

The review mentions the imagery, and I’m wondering how much of that was up to Waititi as opposed to just taken directly from the comics, Planet Hulk and the Walter Simonson run of Thor are some of the most heavy metal, visually and conceptually bonkers comics Marvel has ever made, I’ve even seen posts online of

I saw this over the weekend. God it was good. The cinema was laughing the whole way through. Hemsworth hit all the right notes, Goldblum was gloriously silly and fun and it worked brilliantly.