
Yea I’ve always thought CinemaSins was awful. What is really hilarious is that there are many logical/story errors in Cabin in the Woods that could be lampooned, but the people focused on the tropes element. They aren’t even good at their professed job!

I’ve never understood the appeal of these types of videos. If you make these videos or enjoy them, you clearly hate film.

As an abject lover of Thompson’s work, admirer of Gilliam’s ‘Fear and Loathing’, and as one that can even see the charm in “Where the Buffalo Roam” (Bill Murray as Thompson was pretty damned inspired at the time), NO NO NO NO NO.

Tag and Bink are the best.

It was a very Tag and Bink moment.

So in baseball there was the Dead Ball era, where the titular ball and cavernous ballparks and other factors combined to make home runs a rarity, where one person hitting ten in a season was a stupendous event instead of being part of the basic currency of the game. This is a long-winded way of saying back in the the

It’s fun because Sara had a badass moment of throwing a knife toward her boss and saying I quit, and then just knocks a bunch of shit off the shelf on her way out of the room. One of my favorite moments from her.

Too late for me now, but for the record, there is a 15 minute window to make edits to a comment before it becomes permanent. Sort of like how changing the timeline used to work on the show?

They were never going to make it nest which was everyone’s biggest demand but the extension takes care of that. I’m still holding out hope for chronological sorting and being able to see which fucking comment is being upvoted in the Dashboard (which I’m told they had but got rid of because reasons).

Snark/Snart —> best typo ever.

Ok, theories time:

I have no idea why this show is fun, but damn it’s a hell of a good time! It’s probably down to the absence of angsty melodrama that you get on the other CW superhero shows. It’s not that they’re ‘dark’ per se, they just confuse darkness with mopiness. Legends knows what it is and commits to it. A show about a gang of

I’ve always loved Aquaman. I’ll totally see this for him. And Wonder Woman.

Well, that’s Apokolips for you; it makes Mordor look like the nicest parts of Italy

Wouldn’t be the first BatTank either.

The BatTankMobile reminds me of Arkham Knight, wouldn’t be the first time they borrowed from the Arkham series I guess :P

Anyway, the trailers are looking good, possibly better than the BvS ones did so maybe this one won’t be a dud ;P

With all the reshoots, re-edits, revamping and whatever it’s impossible to figure how to feel about Justice League anymore. I kind of hope it’ll be fun. I’d be content with fun. Getting to see Aquaman and Cyborg on the big screen should be nice. I’m worried that The Flash is either going to make or completely break

I see a lot of comic potential for Eleven wanting to join the boys in college, but like Kimmy Schmidt, her lack of formal education making that problematic.

She likely won’t have too much close companionship as he’s a career army officer. She’s not going to follow the drum, so she would know she won’t see him for long stretches- but that is known to her and wasn’t unusual at the time.

Jamie Fraser, fertile as fuck.