
I saw “The Endless” and my initial thought was, “Oh shit that Neil Gaiman ‘Sandman’ adaptation has a trailer?!” Then I read the actual synopsis and was disappointed.

It is.

Breitbart did some amazing logical gymnastics to say: 

Yeah I was at a party and told someone that Killmonger is a foil but not the primary antagonistic force in the film’s narrative—instead global white supremacy is.

In related news, the racist specter of one Howard P. Lovecraft is materializing out of cosmic ether and into an intellectual copyright lawyer’s office...

Thanks for embedding these!

+1 scrappybilly’s comment.

The end of the first episode of the revival was a like an adderall fueled psychotic break. Just Mulder rambling about aliens and spaceships being blown up.

As a Mexican-American, I felt the same way about El Mariachi. That dude, even though he’s been most famously portrayed by a Spaniard, is a fucking badass that warmed my heart the same way the Bear Jew clearly had Adam pumping his fist in the air.

I may be in the minority of commentators here, but I’m actually looking forward to this film. There. I said it.

Dick Grayson as Batman in a film would be amazing. Damien Wayne as Robin would be even better. Hell, that’s the stand alone film. Dick inherits both the mantle of the Bat AND his punk little brother.

Crossing my fingers for Matter-Eater Lad.

Parker’s costume basically being PJs will always be part of his “street-level” dumb teenager appeal.

Steve’s hair will go from blond, to jet black, to stark white over the course of the film.

No hammer. Only Thor.

Thanos has been working out, spending less time in his chair. More time pumping iron to impress Death.

He is.